Chapter 19: Out of It

Start from the beginning

"Well done Ms. Evergreen," Niall said grabbing a paper towel.

"Why thank you kind sir," I said smiling at him before we started laughing again. "You clean me off and I'll clean you off?"

"Sounds good. I can clean you off first," Niall said wetting the paper towel. "Thanks for the cake by the way."

"No problem," I said trying not to move my face too much. "Just a little something for you guys. Oh and we also told Arnold to save us a table tonight for dinner."

"You guys seriously don't have to do that."

"But we want to," I said giving him a small smile, looking him in the eyes. We locked eyes for a moment, and my heart fluttered before I had to look away, clearing my throat. "Got any in my hair?" I asked.

"Um yeah just a little bit," he said wiping it off. "And I believe that I'm done. Ok my turn." I grabbed some paper towels, wet them, and started to clean off Niall's face. "So what kind of cake did you guys get?"

"Vanilla," I said trying my best to just focus on the frosting.

"So basic," Niall said scrunching up his face.

"Sorry," I said laughingly. "But hey, it's the thought that counts!"

"I know, I know. Thank you guys again," Niall said eyeing me.

"It was no problem," I said giving him a small smile. I returned back to his face and the last bits of the frosting were around his lips.

"I'm glad you're here to celebrate with us," he said. I could feel his eyes intensely watching me. I took a quick glance at his beautiful, shining blue eyes, before cleaning off the last bit of frosting off his... lips. I couldn't stop. I couldn't stop glancing between his eyes and lips. The urge was in me and I didn't know what to do. Was it getting hotter in here? My heart was beating harder and faster. Before you knew it Niall and I leaned into each other in a quick motion and our lips made an instant contact. There was a sense of need and longing. There was then a sense of relief, but at the same time the want for more. My hands went through his hair as one of Niall's was on my neck and the other in my hair. I felt Niall's tongue lick my bottom lip and without any hesitation did we start exploring each other's mouths.

"Hey! You kids almost done in there?!" Louis shouted on the other side of the door while knocking on it. Niall and I instantly pulled apart and I just stared at him wide-eyed. What the hell just happened? I looked at us and somehow I ended up sitting on the sink counter, my legs wrapping around Niall as he stood in front of me.

"Ye-yeah! We'll be right out," I shouted back. I quickly got myself down, fixed my hair a little bit and went out.

*Niall's P.O.V.*

Holy shit. Holy shit. Holy shit. What the he- What the heck just happened?

I watched Janelle as she walked out of the bathroom and I just stood there still trying to grasp what just happened. It felt absolutely incredibly amazing. The excitement that rushed through me in those moments is hard to explain. I wanted more. It felt so right. I was beyond happy. But as I looked at Janelle rejoining everybody, there was fear in her eyes.

"Niall! C'mon man! I'll eat your cake if you don't come out here soon!" Louis shouted. "And we all know how much you hate people eating your food!"

"Coming!" I shouted back. I looked in the mirror, fixed my hair a bit, and went out. Everyone was sitting in the living room, Janelle sitting right next to Ash with his arm wrapped around her. Janelle and I caught a quick glance of each other before she brought her head down to her plate of cake on her lap. Great. We're going to be awkward again.

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