Chapter 13- [Strength of the Mind]

Start from the beginning

Avaryn looked at Am. "Are you now?"

Am rolled her eyes and crossed her arms, showing no fear.

"And I think she will have no problem telling us when she's realized we are all on the same side."

"I already know that–"

"Then why are you not telling us?"

"Because I'm not supposed to."

"Meenu is being affected by whatever plan you have," Avaryn said. "I think I, at the very least, have the right to know."

Ameryna snorted. "Oh please. Stop acting like you run that girl's life. Just because you are to marry her one day doesn't mean you are her lord and savior. She is capable of taking care of herself."

The new king was taken aback.

"Meenu is much more capable than both you men combined. It's not always about physical strength; it's also about spiritual strength. That which the both of you are lacking."

Master Red let out a huff before turning back to Avaryn. "I have connected the dots of what she has said here and there and from what I can tell, Meenu is some sort of chosen one in my sister's eyes–"

"Wait," Avaryn said quickly. "Sister?"

"Yes. Sister."

"She's your sister?" Avaryn asked in shock.


Ameryna snorted yet again. "I can't believe you couldn't see the resemblance," she said with sarcasm.

"That is besides the point," Master Red snapped. "What is important is that Ameryna stole that ring from my mother and gave it to Meenu. Avaryn, if you want Meenu to be safe, I suggest you keep Am safe and get her to tell you whatever it is she's hiding."

Am turned around and began to walk off. "I don't need­–"

But before she could continue on, however, Master Red grabbed her and pushed her against the wall, startling both her and Avaryn. "Listen here, little sister." Master Red growled, "you have grown an immense ego that I will need to crush if you do not cooperate with me."

Am glared at her brother.

"You have chosen to go against our mother and that is the same as walking into the lion's den," he continued. "And if mother feels the need to, she will kill you."

"Yeah? Then why hasn't she killed you in all these years? You betrayed her long before I did."

"Because I am her son. Her heir. And she needs me in whatever plan she is planning. We both know that. We both know that if she didn't need me, she would have killed me long ago, just like she killed father. " Master Red said, coldly. "And like father, however, she does not need you. She will kill you if you keep this up so be obedient and stay here."

A shiver ran down Ameryna's spine as Master Red pulled away. He glowered at her for a long moment and only turned around and marched off when he felt that she had gotten his message.

Once he was gone, she chewed on her lip in anger and annoyance.

"He means well," Avaryn said, cautiously. Now that he knew they were siblings, he felt that it was out of his place to meddle in their family affairs. However, commenting on Master Red's intentions seemed to be the right way to ease the tense air a little.

Am scoffed before tossing her massive sword onto the floor, walking towards a sofa and sitting down.

Clearly, Master Red's threats had worked.

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