Closing In

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"Kareen!" cried Lailen!

So there she was, thought Kareen.  Why is she dressed like the soldiers?   And why is she panicked?

Kareen started to feel panicked herself.

She looked over her shoulder...and of course...goblins were coming!

"Fly!" she cried.  "Fly!"

The eagle women, children, and elderly picked up speed, but the goblins were coming from multiple directions!  Arrows flew, killing goblins left and right!  Lailen got into the fray, dodging and weaving through the trees while slashing goblins with her sword!

"Follow me!" cried Kareen, who swerved to the right, eagle people following!

She had an idea, but it was a risky one.  She could see it in the distance.  If they could make it there...

The goblins didn't expect this sudden change in direction, and fell behind.  Lailen broke off fighting with the goblins and followed the rest of the eagle people.  The goblins followed swiftly behind, but they weren't as fast as the eagle people, whose wings soared with the air.  Goblin wings, like that of an insect, beat against the air, and had a disadvantage of speed.

The eagle people dived into a narrow trench in the ground, and the goblins followed.  The trench twisted and turned like a snake.  The eagle people were just out of sight, only a few of them visible before they turned.  They came to a fork, and the goblins followed them down the left side.  When they reached there, one eagle person was still just out of reach was only one!

Lailen led the goblins away.  They had fallen for it.   They had fallen for it!

And now they were coming for her.


I can't believe I let Lailen talk me into this!  Kareen kept thinking as she flew with the others out of the trench.  Kareen had intended herself to draw them off, not Lailen.  They had lost the goblins, sure, but Lailen...

Still, Lailen was right.  Kareen had to take care of her children.  She had to.  Terin was off fighting.  She had to take care of the children.  It was strange.  When Lailen mentioned Terin...she almost choked up.

Had something happened to...

Something tiny and black fell to the ground as Kareen flew past.  It was only one, and it was dark like poison, but it was unmistakably a rain drop.  The dark cloud that obscured the sun...was it...about to rain?

The cloud was poisonous.  They had to find shelter now!

Oh Lailen!

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