Sad Tidings

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"Why?!" Lailen demanded, removing her helmet.  "Why did you do this?!"

Terin coughed, "What do you mean?"

He lay there, on the ground, covered in dust from his fall.  His wings were broken in a few places, and he had broken bones elsewhere too.  He looked up at a distraught Lailen with his eyes half closed.

"I mean..." stuttered Lailen.  "Did you know it was me?"

"I thought you looked familiar...of course when you were in danger that's all I saw.  An ally in danger."

He coughed some more, and Lailen couldn't help but feel guilty.  She looked up at the battle.  Those that remained of the chief's bodyguards were still fighting, protecting him, and it seemed the chief had already called more soldiers to protect him.  He would be fine.

It was Kareen they had to worry about.

"Kareen..." Terin whispered dreamily.

I was thinking the same thing, She thought.  "I'll get her."

"No!" Terin grabbed her arm, surprising her.  "No.   It's too late.  I'm," he coughed!  "I'm done for.  Just find her...make sure she's...she's..."

"Safe," Lailen finished.  "I will."

Terin smiled, let go of her arm, and breathed his last.  He was dead.

Lailen almost cried.   Oh Kareen!  She thought.  But she couldn't break down now.  She had a new job to do.  She put her helmet back on.  She couldn't move Terin's body, but it didn't matter.  She took off, to find Kareen.

Oh Kareen!


Kareen made ready to leave with the others.  They had to go out the back way in the cave.  The goblins had found them!  She and her children flew out and into the open.  She notched an arrow in her bow.

They would not hurt her children.

She only hoped her husband was alive!

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