Needing Saving

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Kareen would be the last person out of the hole in the bottom of the nest palace.  As she kept her wings close to her body, she kept thinking, when I get out, find Jenin and Mila.

That was easier said than done.

The moment she was out she spread her wings to descend with the rest of the group, and a swarm of goblins was approaching!  She drew her bow and fired along with the rest of the women archers.  Goblins fell, and the eagle women and children diverted, away from the goblins, but a few of those creatures got to them!

"Jenin!  Mila!"

Kareen fired at every goblin she could, but she was running low!  She had to shoot a few goblins that had grabbed people.  She hoped her children were not being grabbed by goblins now!

"Jenin!  Mila!"

One arrow left.  The goblins chasing them were few now.  They all flew low to the ground, eagle people and goblins alike, diving under treetops.  The children and elderly were getting away, with a few goblins attacking the armed women.  Kareen searched for her children, calling their names again.  One goblin broke away from the archers, through the trees and towards a pair of children

"Jenin!  Mila!"

Kareen raised her last arrow, speeding through the trees to her children.  A goblin grabbed Mila.  Kareen aimed her bow to strike it...

When Jenin knifed it!

That's my boy!  Though Kareen proudly.

She turned over, firing her last arrow backwards at the nearest goblin, and flew on to join her children, narrowly dodging a tree.  She shouted back...

"I'm out of arrows!  Keep fighting!"

"We can handle this!" cried the widow Hawla, firing her bow.  "Go save your children!"

Kareen joined them, but beamed at her son.  It seemed they didn't need saving.  She just hoped her husband didn't either.


Terin kept dodging and weaving through the swarm of goblins, cutting down any goblin he could.  He kept the chief from getting too many, but some got to him.  However, that turned out to be a mistake for them!  An axe stroke from the chief was practically a death sentence!

Then a goblin flew close to Terin!  They exchanged blows, flying through the air, and the goblin punched him!  Stunned for a moment, he fell, and the goblin attacked him!  They dueled as he fell, and the goblin kept slashing at his wings so he couldn't fly!  They neared the ground, and Terin didn't know what to do...until an eagle man swooped down and cut the goblin down!

As Terin spread his wings, he thought he needed to thank that eagle man later.

And that he looked familiar.

As Lailen flew away, she thought, I hope he didn't recognize me!

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