A New Task

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They made it to the cave at last!  Kareen had seen more black drops from the dark clouds above.  Something bad was about to happen.  She knew it.   The eagle people settled down in the cave.  The women had their bows ready.  Jendra and Hawla were there.  So they had survived.   Good.   They could help keep the goblins at bay from her children.  Kareen had something she needed to do.

She told her children to wait and went up to Hawla, the widow.

"Hawla?" she said.

"What is it dear?"

It was strange to thing that after going through a battle like that this elderly widow could still come across as sweet.

"I need you to watch my children," said Kareen, as uncomfortable as that was.

Hawla gazed over at Jenin and Mila, then looked knowingly at Kareen.

"You're going after the reckless one, Lailen," said Hawla.  It wasn't a question.

"I have to."

"I'm sure, but the goblins are still out there, and there is another danger.  The black rain is going to be deadly.  Look at what happened when a single drop of that poison hit someone."

Hawla pointed and Kareen saw a young woman who was deathly pail and sweating.  She looked pained, and had thrown her bow carelessly aside.  If only one drop could do that...

"I have to go," said Kareen.

"Then I will watch your children as if they were my own," said Hawla.

"Thank you."

She told her children that she needed to find their aunt, and they reluctantly said goodbye.  Hawla stood protectively over them, drawing her bow as Kareen flew off.

Kareen watched the skies carefully as she flew through the trees.  One drop would be enough to make her sick.  Too many could kill her.  However the same went for Lailen.  She had to be warned, and brought to safety.  Besides, something horrible had happened to Terin.

Kareen wanted to know what.

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