Chapter 24- "Rain! I told you we're not together"!

Start from the beginning

Chloe's eyes widened and she pouted. Rain nuzzled her head into the crook of my neck, and my lips tugged into smile.

She was exhausted, she only slept for about an hour last night and I know because I was up all night with her.

"Alright, get going" Craig instructed.

"Rain, you're racing tonight, so let's go"Craig nodded towards the skyline.

"I thought I was benched" She said, and Craig sent her a warning look "Go, Rain".

She ran a hand threw her hair then throwing a beanie on the back of her head quickly and walked over to me and put her hand out for the keys.

"I don't like when you drive" I clenched my jaw.

"Really Ryker? We're not going threw this again" She narrowed her piercing blue eyes at me.

I don't want Rain racing, because it gets brutal and competitive when they're racing out there, and I don't want her getting hurt, and we fought about her racing.

"I'm not giving you the keys" I stated stern, and she gave me an Are-You-Serious-We-Are-Not-Doing-This-Right-Now look.

"Give me the fucking keys!" She groaned and Chloe walked over and put a hand on my shoulder "Babe give her the keys, I'm sure she knows how to drive".

Rain quickly grabbed the keys from my hand and smirked as she dangled the keys in her fingers then walking off and getting in the Skyline.

Rain was driving laps, and Vince came up and stood beside me as we both watched her sped around the track.

"She got game, that's for sure" Vince stated and I nodded in agreement.

There was a few moments of silence and Vince smirked "So..dude, do you like her"?

I clenched my jaw and said stern "No".

"LIAR!" Vince called me out, and I rolled my eyes "I don't".

"Really? Then why are you so caring for her? I mean you wouldn't care if Chloe raced, would you"? Vince tested.

I rolled my eyes "Chloe is just some bang".

Vince asked "You two already couldn't get Rain, so you went to your Ex-Girlfriend, not cool Anderson".

"It was the night she came back, alright!? I don't know...but I haven't seen Chloe in forever and things just kind of happened.." I trailed off and shrugged.

Vince rolled his eyes then taking out a pack of cigarettes and handing one to me, and I pulled a lighter out of my pocket and lit the cigarette then putting it between my lips and blowing out a puff of smoke out.

Rain finished up the rounds and climbed out of the window then walking up to me and handing me the keys "See, now was that so bad"? She chuckled and smiled.

I took the keys "But you're not racing against anyone" I pointed out.

"Whatever" She rolled her eyes "I have to go home anyways, bye".

Vince hugged her and she jogged over to Liz and Leah to say 'Goodbye'.

"For fuck-sakes, Ryker! Go!" Vince nodded towards Rain. I jogged over and she hugged Leah and Liz goodbye and started to walk away.

I grabbed her wrist and whirled her around to me "Where do you think you're going"? I smirked. "Home......"? She trailed off.

I pulled her into a hug and she was stiff at first but then hugged me back, and I rested my chin on her shoulder "Drive safe".

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