Jyuu-Hachi ~ Effects of the painful truth

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18- Effects of the painful truth

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I think I may have spent part of first period crying my eyes out inside of the bathroom.

Surprisingly, the security guard hasn't caught Kiba and Temari slamming their fists on the bathroom door, though I was sure it was clearly audible through the hallway. I was hoping that the two would get caught so they would leave me alone. It did hurt knowing that I was keeping myself from getting help from the two people that just wanted to comfort me from what I've experienced earlier. I didn't want to let them in just yet. I wanted to be alone... just for a little while...

The knocking stopped. I removed my hands from my face and turned my head to the right. I opened my eyes slightly; that was as far as my eyes could open since it was now swollen from my constant sobbing. My hopes rose. 'Did they finally leave?'

I stood up quietly. I slowly turned to face the door. I rested my left hand on the handle, prepared to open the door to see if they had gotten the hint, but it shocked me when I saw the door being pushed open from the other side.

"Damn it..." I mumbled. 'They tricked me.'

I walked over to the sink with my arms wrapped around my stomach. I hear the two walk inside of the bathroom, and I saw from the reflection of the mirror that they walked right behind me, looking down at my weak self. As of right now, I couldn't cry anymore. I ran out of tears to let out. Instead, I just stood there, head bowed down slightly. All I could do right now was bite one corner of my lips as I tried to catch my breath.

After what seemed like forever, Temari finally spoke. "We're not going back to class without you, Sayuri."

"How can I?" I realized how raspy my voice had sounded. I clear my throat and took a deep breath. "How can I just... walk into the classroom so easily? After what you all had to witness? After what he did to me?"

At that last question, my tone of voice had softened up. In a way... my voice had cracked. I decided not to speak again. I was afraid that if I did, I would break down without even knowing it. I sighed, biting my inner cheek as soon as I felt arms wrap around my shoulders. Kiba.

Temari takes a step closer to me, furrowing her eyebrows together as she prepared herself to respond back to my words. "Listen... I know that going through a broken heart isn't easy, but at least it's better than being lied to, because you know the truth. You know... your friends and family are here for you. Don't let yourself be brought down because of one guy. You never know. That Uchiha kid might have not been who you were destined to be with, but there's someone else out there that's waiting for you."

I know who it is...

Kiba removes his arms from my shoulders after he felt my head being lifted up. I drop my arms to my side as I state without looking at either of them, "Let's... just get back to class."

And we did.


It wasn't easy. It never was.

As I got back into class, I had to keep myself from looking over at Sasuke and Karin so I wouldn't break down into tears again. When the three of us walked in, Kiba and I had left Temari to explain why we were late. I felt really uncomfortable, knowing that everyone's eyes were on me. I could just feel Karin's eyes burning through me, and that made me grit my teeth as I got to my seat. After that, I tried my best to focus on the lesson, and to let my heart rest from the pain they caused me.

Eventually, our lunch period came. Sakura rushed me out of class so I wouldn't have to run into those two again. She felt as if she owed me for leaving me earlier this morning. I didn't mind her dragging me along the crowd of students in the hallway; I didn't want to see them either.

When we got into the lunchroom, Sakura and I sat at a table that was very far from where Sasuke usually sat. It sucked that we didn't actually know where Karin usually sat. Oh well. All we can do is hope that she doesn't see us.

"I saw what Sasuke did earlier." Sakura started as we sat down, our backs facing the entrance of the lunchroom.

"I know," I sighed.

"That was really shocking," Sakura looks down at the table and begins twiddling her thumbs. "I hope you know that Ino and I are sorry for leaving you like that. I mean, we tried to stay close, but... you know. It was a tough crowd. If we hadn't separated from each other, we would have stopped him."

"It's alright. At least I know you two are still there for me," I shot up as I realized something. Ino wasn't here. I looked around the cafeteria for any signs of Ino, but nothing. I turn my head to face Sakura with a curious expression on my face. "Do you know where Ino's at?"

She smiled. "Oh, her," Sakura lets out a small laugh as she turned her head to look at me. I began to grow suspicious when I saw a smirk come across her face. "She's not going to be here with us for now. She told me she had some business to take care of."

Well, sh*t. Should I worry?

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