Hachi ~ Change of heart?

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8- Change of heart?

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When I walked through the classroom door earlier, I was greeted by the pissed off versions of Ino and Sakura, which was very unfortunate for me... and the rest of the class. They kept yelling at me apparently because I wasn't there during the lunch period. Maybe I missed something "important" to them. They were probably sitting at the table talking about how Karin needed to back off of Sasuke before she got seriously hurt. By those two.

Strangely, Karin didn't even make an effort to try to talk to Sasuke in class when we got back from lunch. She was actually mute for the rest of the day, which made me relieved in some way. The only time she would talk was when Kakashi called on her to answer a question or when Suigetsu said something to her from across the room. And whenever Suigetsu spoke to Karin, he was met with her complaining once again. Once, she aimed a crumpled piece of paper to Suigetsu's head and barely missed the shot, but that was because Kakashi-sensei turned around right when she threw the paper.

What made me laugh was when Kakashi-sensei darted his eyes at Suigetsu and gave him a glare. "Suigetsu, focus." Suigetsu's reaction to it was priceless. His mouth was agape, his arms rose up into the air as if saying, "What the hell, man?"

Nothing interesting happened after that moment, so I'm just going to skip ahead to the end of the school day.

I walked through the school doors with Ino and Sakura following behind me. As usual, they were ratting on about Karin. They had their suspicions on Karin because of what she did today... well, what she didn't do today. They kept wondering why she didn't even try to talk to Sasuke during class.

"Maybe she's plotting some kind of evil plan," Sakura crosses her arms. We stop on our tracks as we step on the sidewalk. I turn my head to look at Sakura, only to find that there were veins popping out of her temples. I could just feel a sweat-drop coming.

On the other hand, Ino scoffs. "Maybe we should have stayed inside the building and look after Sasuke. What if she's talking to him right now?"

"I doubt it," I point to the school doors, making Sakura and Ino look at where my gaze was locked on. The door opened and a spiky blonde-haired teen steps out. Naruto. It seemed as if his arms were wrapped around someone's shoulders. As he steps of the building, so does the raven-haired Uchiha.

"At least it's Naruto's arm that's around Sasuke's shoulders and not Karin's," Ino mumbled.

I could easily tell that Sasuke was being held against his will. He had an irritated look on his face as they began walking down the sidewalk and toward us. "If you're going to put your damn arm around me, don't drag me down to your height at least, dobe!"

Naruto snickers. He pokes Sasuke's forehead and gives him a grin. "Baka. Then you'd have a chance to escape!"


Suddenly, it all came to me. This was of Ino's and Sakura's doing. I turned to face them slowly as I bit the insides of my right cheek. I rose my left eyebrow while giving them a glare. They widened their eyes slightly and looked at each other.

"He'd have a chance to escape?" I start out. "You made Naruto drag Sasuke out of class so Karin wouldn't be able to talk to him, didn't you?"

Sakura looks down and mumbles, "We might have... paid him to--" Before she could even finish her statement, Ino's fist met with the back of her head, making her groan in agony. "Hey!"

Ino shouted out at her. "Sometimes you need to be quiet, billboard brow!"

I smirked as I rolled my eyes at them. "So it IS true!"

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