Jyuu ~ Let's make a deal.

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10- Let's make a deal.

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A lot of things happened in just two hours, which was really surprising. To me, it felt like the whole situation lasted the rest of the day. Earlier, my enraged self actually forced Sakura to call Naruto once again. Of course, she didn't want to, because she thought that if I heard any more of the situation, it would make things worse for ME. But... well, Sakura didn't have to call him. Naruto already took care of that.

That time, the call lasted longer. He didn't hang up, nor did any of us three. Sakura's cellphone was on speaker mode so all of us were able to listen. Naruto told us exactly what was happening at that moment.

I was only able to hear a few portions of it before I really lost it. I literally threw a tantrum in my own room; I tried tearing my pillows and my clothes apart, but each time I took hold of either one, Ino was there by my side to take them away from me before I could even tug on them. Do you want to know why I threw a tantrum when I only heard little information? From what Naruto observed, Karin attempted to get closer to Sasuke by sitting next to him on a chair, and he didn't even try to scoot away. In fact, he scooted his chair CLOSER to her.

The phone call was suddenly cut short when Ino began to shout that I was bleeding. I clenched my fists too tightly, letting my nails dig into the palms of my hands. She must have noticed the dripping blood that came from my palms. Sakura hung up the phone from there, and she was the one who ran out of the room to ask my mother for the first-aid kit.

"I didn't even think this was possible..." Ino muttered as she looked down at my throbbing palms. The blood that was flowing out of each cut didn't stop, and it seems that it wouldn't stop any time sooner.

Sakura and Ino began to simultaneously wrap ace bandages to my palms after waiting for about a minute. I tilted my head upward and shut my eyes tightly. I huffed from anger and sadness, resisting the urge to clench my fists once again.

"You're being such a playboy, Sasuke..." I mumbled in agony.

"And he said he wouldn't let Karin get to him," Ino complained. She scoffed as she finishes up with the ace bandage that was wrapped around my left hand. "That liar."

Sakura takes a glance at Ino before focusing back at my right hand. "You might have spoken too soon about him being a faithful hottie."

"Damn straight."

And of course, we eventually got to the point where we cooled down and forgot about the situation for a moment. Ino and Sakura had forgotten about asking their parents if they could stay over for the night until my mother walked in and reminded them about it. And so, they called them.

I was a bit bummed out when I heard that they weren't allowed to stay over since it was a school night, and since it was almost dark outside, their parents decided that they were going to pick them up from my house, even though they live only two blocks away from me.

So yeah. Their parents shortly arrived and took them home, but not without starting a small conversation with my parents. The girls actually had to wait for ten minutes until they were finished. Well... they still left.

And here I am, lying down on my soft bed with the doors shut, getting ready to call it a night. It was already ten o'clock, and I'm pretty sure that my parents were fast asleep. Somehow, I didn't feel sleepy at all. I was pretty stressed because of what happened today. And to make matters worse, Sasuke still hasn't called me back.

I refused to call him again because I thought I was annoying him. But who would have thought that he would shrug off my calls and continue his little conversation with Karin? As much as I thought it would never happen, I'm having second thoughts about this whole "relationship" thing we have.

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