San ~ Threatening

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3- Threatening

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Ino walks in front of me and Sakura as we exit the school building. Though, soon, she resorted into stomping. She looked like she was ready to kill. As we reached the school parking lot, she whipped her head back at us, making us stop on our tracks. She looked really pissed off. "I swear! I am going to kick. Her. Ass!"

Sakura crossed her arms, rolling her eyes during the process. "I know! It was so obvious, too!" She uncrossed her arms and turned to me. She gave me a longing gaze as she held her hands up to her chin. "Come on, Sayuri. You've got to be at least a little mad at her. She did what every other fangirl never did or had the guts to do. She flirted with Sasuke!"

I shrugged. I looked down at the concrete ground beneath me. "Well... okay, yes. I'm actually upset about what Karin did--"

"Alright, good," Ino said, cutting me off. She had an evil look in her eyes as she cracked her knuckles. "That means I have permission to beat the living soul out of her."

I shook my head. "Ino, we can't fight the girl. It's her first day here. Besides, she'd rat us out if we did."

Ino scoffed. She pointed to the doors behind us. "Oh, we can't fight her? What about now? She and Sasuke are walking out of the school right now, and she linked her arm to his."

I turned around and saw Sasuke walking out of the school. Ino was right, because following behind him was the redhead, who was holding onto his arms. And it looked like Sasuke did nothing to shove her off. I immediately gritted my teeth as my hands were now clenched into tight fists once again. I tried walking over to them, but Sakura placed her hands on my shoulders, holding me back.

I loosened up a bit before Sasuke could even notice I was here, so he wouldn't see that I was angry at the sight of Karin being all over him. I took a deep breath and shut my eyes as I tried my best to calm down. When I reopened my eyes, Sasuke's eyes were now on me. They lit up, just like it did this morning.

He smirks as he took Karin's arm off of his and begins walking over to me. I wanted to smile and rub it in Karin's face behind his back, but I resisted. I turn to look at Sakura; she smiles, giving me a thumbs up before letting go of my shoulders. When I turn to look at Sasuke, he was already in front of me.

Sasuke gave me a short, chaste kiss on my lips. He took my hand into his, intertwining our fingers. "Hey."

I hear a familiar faint scream in the distance. I look back, finding that it was only Temari and TenTen. They were smiling at me. They must have seen what Sasuke just did.

Sasuke ignores their scream and asks me, "Should I give you a ride home?"

Ino places her hands onto my shoulder and smiles up at him, answering him for me. "She would LOVE a ride back to her house, Sasuke!"

Sasuke nodded at her. I turn to Ino, giving her the most irritated look I've ever given to anyone. She smiles nervously and takes her hands off of my shoulders. She took a few steps back so she stood next to Sakura.

"Um," I bit my lip. "if you want to, then sure..."

"Alright, then. Let's go."

As we began walking to his car, Ino and Sakura began to squeal quietly. They waved at me. Though, I was getting annoyed, I still smiled back at them. I was worried about what they were going to do when Sasuke and I left. They would most likely gang up on Karin. Even though I was angry at her for flirting with Sasuke, I still felt bad for her. Maybe she didn't even know that he was with me.

Until now, that is. So she should probably be backing off after today.

I looked up at Sasuke, who spoke as we stepped inside of the car. "We should go to my place first. Itachi misses you."

I laughed. "Really?"

"Yeah, he looked really depressed when I got home yesterday."

"Aww," I sighed in happiness as I looked down at my lap and laid my hands there.

As he left the parking lot of the school, he looked down at my hands. "Oh no." Sasuke smirked. He takes my left hand into his right and squeezes it. He doesn't even bother letting go of it. No, he just continues driving like nothing happened.

I chuckled, shaking my head as I looked out of the window. Well, he surely is making me forget about what Karin did earlier. Actually, he's doing a great job at it. I just hope that nothing'll ruin this whole thing.

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