Shi ~ Hormones

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4- Hormones

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"Man, I miss this place." I looked around the living room and walked through it as Sasuke shut the front door.

He walks beside me and leads me to the kitchen. "I know..." When we walked through the door to the kitchen, we saw Itachi preparing lunch at the countertop. He didn't notice us come inside; his back was turned and facing us. I smiled, walking away from Sasuke to sit down on the dining room chair. Itachi's up for a little surprise.

"What're you cooking, Itachi?" Sasuke approached his older brother, who was busy putting the finishing ingredients together.

Itachi shushed him without breaking his gaze on the food he was preparing. "I'm busy... get out."

I couldn't help but laugh at Sasuke's reaction to Itachi's response. He looked at me, and his face showed of confusion and slight anger combined, which, to me, was pretty hilarious when Sasuke does it. Poor Sasuke was being kicked out of the kitchen by his elder brother.

"Sayuri?" I looked up and saw Itachi's head turned. He quickly put every finishing ingredient together before rapidly setting everything down on the countertop. I realized that I gave my presence away from my laugh. That sucks... I wanted to try to scare him.

"So you couldn't stay away from us for long, huh?" Itachi sits on the chair across from me, giving me a sly smile as he wiped the sweat off of his face.

I smirked. "No, I thought you needed to see me so you'd be happy again."

Itachi was confused at first. He looked over at Sasuke, giving him a quick glare before he looked back at me. "So, what really brings you here, Sayuri?"

"I was giving her a ride home, then I thought we should come here first," Sasuke answered.

Itachi shrugged and nodded. He looks back at me and asks, "Do you want to stay here for lunch?"

I shook my head. I stood up from the chair. "Nah, I need to get home now. My parents might be worried already."

"Alright then," Itachi stood up as well. "I guess I'll see you whenever I can?"

"Sure thing."

Sasuke wraps his arm around my waist again and guides me out to the living room. I could hear footsteps behind me. Then, something came to me. Does Itachi know about... you know... me and Sasuke?

"Whoa, Sasuke... what's with the romantic gesture?"

I guess not.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you," Sasuke turns, making me turn as well since his hand was still on my waist. "Sayuri and I are--"

"Dating?" I nodded, looking down so I wasn't able to see Itachi's reaction to it. I waited for a moment before he finally responded. "Well, that's a surprise! I'm really glad to hear about this."

I looked up at him. "You are?"

"Yes. It's nice to have someone like you around. I guess you'll be a future Uchiha, then. Who knows? You may be the one to give us some more Uchihas..."

I felt my face get red. Sasuke turns back around and walks us to the front door. "Okay, I think we had enough of Itachi today..." He opens the door with his free hand and gestures me to walk out first.

Meanwhile, Itachi was chuckling when we walked out of the door. He waves out at us. "I'll see you whenever then, Sayuri!"

I waved back at him as I stepped inside of the car. I shut the door and watch as Sasuke starts the car up. I sighed, laying the palms of my hands down on my lap again. "Well, that was unexpected."

He slammed his head onto the cushions of the seat behind him and grunted. "Sometimes, he needs to learn how to be quiet..."

I rose my eyebrows at his stressed form. I took a deep breath. "Come on. It's really not that big of a deal, Sasuke."

Sasuke opens his eyes to look at me, though his head was still on the cushions. He rose his eyebrow, leaving me to nod. He sighs as he sat up straight and gripped the steering wheel. "If you say so."


My parents took the whole "being late" thing a bit negatively. Just my mother, actually. When Sasuke had pulled the car up to the driveway, I could already see Mom by the window, her anxious look replaced with anger. You can't even imagine how afraid I looked. I was so scared to face my own mother that Sasuke had to come with me to calm me down.

Though, when I reached the door, she didn't yell at me. Mom just simply asked where I was and why I was late. Well, at least she was calm.

Anyways, back to the moment.

Mom shook her head. She laid her hands onto my shoulders and gave me a longing look. "For the sake of me and your dad, tell me that you're going to arrive home late ahead of time, okay?"

I sighed. "Alright, Mom..."

She notices Sasuke's arm around my waist and points down at it. "Are you two...?"

"Uh," I hesitated. "yeah..."

Mom nods and gives me a sly smile as she took a step back inside of the house. "That's great, dear. Sasuke, I hope you treat her okay. You know, she's a bit sensitive."

"Mom," I called out through my gritted teeth.

She sweatdropped. Mom smiles apologetically. "I'm sorry, dearie. But it's the truth."

My mother leaves me and Sasuke to the front door. I was able to save myself from more humiliation by giving her a look she was practically scared of. I was glad that it worked this time. I turned to Sasuke, who let go of my waist once again. I smiled up at him.

"I'll see you tomorrow, Sasuke," I turn to walk inside of my house when a hand caught my wrist. I turned my head to the side, finding that Sasuke had that famous smirk on his face once again.

"Not yet," he turns me back around, laying his free hand amidst my back. And again, he pulls me into a kiss.

This wasn't like all of the other kisses we had. It was... a long kiss. A long, deepened kiss, which made me feel a little awkward. I wasn't used to this kind of thing. You can say that I was a noob at these things.

The kiss was as long as the drunken one Sasuke had given me before. When I wrapped my arms around his neck, I could just feel his lips curve up slightly. He was enjoying this all right. I couldn't pull away. I just couldn't. It felt... so right.

His lips began trailing down to my neck, which made me grasp my sanity quickly as I knew that we were outside of the house, and basically, making out in the public. I was barely able to shove him away when I heard a faint cough coming from inside of the house. I was afraid to turn my head to see who it was. I knew in an instant who actually did cough to make us stop what we were doing.

It was my father.

"Do that somewhere else but here, you two. No PDA," Dad teased.

I blushed, but at the same time, I glared at my dad. "Shut. Up."

"I should go..." Sasuke's voice softly echoed through my ear. I turned my head, seeing him smile at me before he began walking to the car.

I pouted slightly. I stepped inside of the house, shutting the door and locking it during the process. Dad just had to ruin the silence again and get back on subject. "So were you really planning on--"

"Not another word, Dad," I interrupted. "Never speak of this again."


My legs felt a little wobbly to me all of a sudden when I began walking into my bedroom. I lied down on the bed after dropping my bag to the side. I just laid there, my hands on my stomach as I stared up at the ceiling. I thought about what Sasuke did earlier. It was like he wanted to do much more than just kiss out there. Ah, well. Teenage hormones at its highest point.

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