Jyuu-San ~ A little meeting

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13- A little meeting

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Three weeks had passed. Three painful weeks. Sasuke and I haven't even dated for a week and things have already changed between us. Now, it was like we actually broke up. We haven't spoken to each other, we were usually off with someone else (I was with Kiba, while Sasuke was off with Karin), and whenever we passed by each other in the halls, we never look back to take a second glance. It was as if we were enemies again, and to be honest, it killed me.

I've been completely convinced that Karin was doing all she could to break us up. Actually, I realized it a few days after that incident we had outside of the school that one morning. Of course, I didn't get by without being scolded by Ino and her repetitive and annoying 'I told you so's. As for Sakura, she seemed to understand what I was going through right now. I was glad that she chose not to rub it in.

Okay. Sure, I was pretty upset about Sasuke hanging out with Karin. But most of the time, I forget my sadness. I began talking to Kiba more and more each day, and whenever I speak to him, I instantly forget about my jealousy. I felt as if Kiba understood me more than anyone. He wasn't difficult to talk to, unlike Sasuke. Anyways...

Right now, it was the beginning of the last period of the school day. Usually, I'd be about a minute late because of Sasuke, but lately I've been on time. I sat in my usual seat in the back row, tapping my fingers on the hard wood as I rested my chin on my left hand. I looked like I couldn't care less about what was happening around me. I chose not to watch the doorway because I knew that Sasuke would walk in with Karin.

The moment sucked; I was pretty much alone right now. None of my close friends were here. They were probably going to arrive late. Yup, no Sakura, no Ino, no Temari. I let out a yawn, slamming both of my hands down on the desk. I take a deep breath as I look around the nearly empty room.

I notice Kiba walking through the doorway, and immediately, my boredom went away. I was suddenly feeling like I was well-rested as Kiba walked up the stairs to get to his seat. He lifts his head up and he instantly gives a cheeky smile when he sees me in my seat.

As he sat down in his seat, he turns his body to the side so he could see me clearly. "Hey, Yuri-chan." He greeted.

"Hi, Kiba-kun," I pursed my lips together as I look around. "Have you seen Ino and Sakura while you were out in the hall?"

He shrugs. "Only for a second. They wander around the halls a lot."

Before I could say anything else, I saw Karin and Suigetsu enter the classroom. I had a confused expression on my face. Why wasn't Sasuke with them like he usually is? I shook my head and turned back to face Kiba. We carried on our conversation again, but it lasted for only a minute. Someone tapped on my shoulder.

I turned my head to see who it was. It was Suigetsu; he gave me a small smile and took a deep breath as he began speaking. "Are you free after school?"

From the corner of my eyes, I could see Kiba glaring at the white-haired male. He must have thought that Suigetsu was asking me out. I felt that he wasn't asking me this because he was interested in me. I felt as if it was something else.

With slight hesitation, I nodded slowly. "Yeah. Why? Do you need some tutoring or..."

Suigetsu lets out a half-hearted laugh. "Nah, nothing school related. It's just that... well, someone wants to meet you at the café down the block at three."

So about thirty minutes after school ended? I look at him with slight suspicion. "Who wants to see me anyway?"

I notice him gulp, trying to find a way out of this. "I can't say. The person wants to be kept anonymous."

I sighed. "Fine."

"Alright then," Suigetsu flashes a smile at me before walking back to his assigned seat.

I turn my head back to face Kiba. I see him scoff in irritation. He looks up at me again and raises his eyebrows. "It's like he wants you to go on a date with him."

I shook my head. I bit my lower lip as I slightly bowed my head down to look at the desk. "I think I know who I'm meeting with today."


"I'll be sitting in the table by the corner, alright?" I nod. Ino gives me a cheeky smile before she heads over to the table she pointed to.

So I may have told her what Suigetsu told me back in the classroom. Like myself, she suspected that it was Karin who wanted to meet me at the café. Ino wanted to come just in case the 'anonymous person' tried any funny business.

I sat by the window, intertwining my fingers as I laid my arms out on the table in front of me. I pursed my lips together. I took deep breaths as I looked down and let my hair fall over my face. I didn't even bother buying anything; I wanted to make this meeting as short as possible.

I waited for about ten minutes. This person should have been here by now. I looked at my cellphone and checked the time once again. I was starting to get aggravated. I stood up and turned my head to Ino, nodding my head once. She nods back in response, knowing what I meant. She stood up and made her way over to where I stood. It wasn't until I turned my head back to see the door being pushed open. And surely enough, the person I greatly despised had walked into the café with a cellphone in hand.

The person lifts her head up, revealing the face that I seriously wanted to punch for taking my lover's attention so much. She smirks at me as she dropped her arm to her side. "Eager to leave, aren't we? Oh dear, we're just getting started."

I huffed. I crossed my arms, raising my eyebrow. I prepared myself to hear what she had to say, and I just knew from my instincts that this wasn't going to turn out well.

Though, I shouldn't be surprised. I knew that Karin would want to set up a little conference with me. And I knew that she wouldn't let us leave until she 'sorted some stuff out.' Oh well... let's see how this moment turns out...

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