C.20 (part one)

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"Kayla don't sit up here and keep explaining shit to the people. They don't know what you've been through and it's really none of their business." Natasha told Kayla.

"I know Tasha.. These motherfuckers is getting on my nerves though. How they going to try and tell me how to raise my kids and that I'm a bad mom? That blows the shit out of me. Since I did bad doing what I did I wonder what they would've done. Walked on and been like 'oh my gosh! Why are you doing this?' And give them a little pat on the ass."

"Probably.. Who knows but just don't keep stressing yourself out."

"Tasha, I really try not to. Trey tries to help me stay calm and sane but I feel like I keep pushing him away but he still stays."

"Trey's really a great man, Kayla.. You're going to understand he's not like August."

"I know.. I know. You know I just have so much on my mind. I'm going in fucking sane."

"Well ima need you not to Ms. Lady." She laughed. "Ima go check on the food to see if it's done." She went to the kitchen. She came back. "Want me to wake the kids up?" She asked.

"I'll get them." Kayla got up. "No girl, sit down. I got you." Natasha went and brought the kids downstairs.

||Kayla Philips||

"This is really good." I smiled at Natasha. She made spaghetti and fixed a salad. Both of them mixed together is life.

"I'm glad you like it, boo."

My phone started ringing. "Hello, Trey?" I answered. "Kayla.. I need you to get to Virginia as soon as possible. It's an emergency." Trey said.

"Why? What's wrong with you, Trey?! What happened?"

"I'm fine..." He hung up.

"Natasha, let's go." I told her, jumping up.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"I think something happened. He was supposed to be on tour. Have you heard anything?"

"No. But let's go." She said. "We needa catch a quick flight."

"Oh, no.. You do not need to be riding a damn plane right now."

"You're right.. Just come on y'all. Get y'all some clothes and hop on in the R.V." I told them.

~~~~ More Than HalfWay There. ~~~~

"Why isn't he answering me?!" I started getting mad.

"Do you know where he is?" Tasha asked.

"No... But he told me if there was ever an emergency and I couldn't get ahold of him go to his moms."

"Do you have her address?"

I nodded. "Put it in the GPS." She told me and I did it.

"Now, you can go to sleep. I have it Kayla. We have two more hours."

"Don't you fall asleep behind that wheel." I told her.

"I'm fine! If I can last one and a half days on my feet at that boring hospital where nothing happens then I can survive this drive. It's eight in the morning, get you and mini Kayla some rest."


"We here." I heard Natasha. I opened my eyes to see we were at Trey's moms house. I seen a lot of cars parked outside.

"What the hell." I said.

"Yeah.. Uhm, his mom called while you was asleep and there is friends and family here in checking on Trey so you may want to go get in the shower in the R.V before we go in. I stopped while we was fourth five minutes away and showered, the kids has been in there too. We'll wait for you." She said.

I went and took a shower and put on foundation and ChapStick. "I'm ready." I told her and we all walked up to the door. I was shaking. I have no idea what the fuck is going on. We waited a good five minutes in this cold weather before someone opened the door. It was Trey's sister. "What's going on with Trey?" I asked walking in. I seen people sitting everywhere leading into the living room. "Oh My God!!" I broke down.

"Don't cry, ma!" Anthony bent down to me and hugged me. I stood back up and held him tight. He started to talk to me and I could tell he was crying too. "I love you ma."

"I love you too!" He looked at me and wiped my face. Then he smiled. "Come on. I got something ta show you." He told me and walked to the kitchen. I followed him and everyone else followed me. I looked and seen food everywhere, balloons, presents and stuff for a baby shower.  "Who's this for and where's Trey?" I asked.

"I'm right here and you of course." He came around the corner dressed in a vest, dress shoes and everything else, smiling from ear to ear. He walked over to me with his arms out. "I should kill you!" I started laughing and crying and hugged him back. "Why?" He laughs.

"I thought something happened to you. You had me worried."

"I'm sorry baby." He kissed my forehead. I looked over to see Anthony and my other kids including Miguel and some of Trey's younger cousins talking and laughing. I smiled at the sight.

"Come on Kayla.. Sit down girl." Treys sister told me and I went to go sit. My feet's killing me.

||Trey Songz||

We're all sitting around the table, talking and eating when my aunt has to intrude being nosey.

"Kayla, I seen on Instagram about your daughter.. That's crazy. I-"

Kayla rolled her eyes. "I'm not here to talk about that, honestly.. Isn't this supposed to be about me and Trey's baby that's soon to be born?" She asked.

"Of course. How far along are you? You don't seem nothing but a good four months."

"I'm seven months."

"Oh." She gave Kayla a weird look and turned away. "What was t-" Kayla started, I shrugged.



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