Chapter 7: Genesis Clash.

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A large bang then debris and rubble flew from the seat Genesis was on. A few meters back Genesis stood with a large shield protecting his face. It had been made out of the closet thing to hand. His clothes. It was large and black with four long deep scratch marks across it if Genesis did not create the shield he would undoubtedly be headless. Clarissa stood by Genesis broken chair. The Esclavo around started launching attacks and Violet and Clarissa. The Esclavo moved much like the Heth fast and restless every move was for the sake of their  master nothing was going to stop them but death.  Violet chanted and a large bubble field exploded from within her. It took out a large area of Esclavo. As soon as anything touched the field it was dissolved nothing was left standing but a small crater. Clarissa moved so fast that the Esclavo had no time to lift their weapons to attack her. Heads rolled as well as other body parts. It was a massacre. Genesis turned the shield back into the suit he was wearing annoyed that he had nearly died him a god of creation the most powerful being on earth. Anger grew in him, and then a memory from Apprentice came into his mind.

“Listen Apprentice you do have the power of a god but that doesn’t mean anything. The lowest, weakest person can still kill a god. Always be alert never be smug with your power. Other wise you will turn into someone like the Exiled Ones”

A speech Deox had told Apprentice months ago when they first met. Genesis gritted his teeth in frustration as he watched two people destroy his army of Esclavo in from of him. He had enough the ground around Genesis moved up and swallowed him. Violet noticed this at the side of her eye. She wondered what was happening maybe something else to play with. She and Clarissa continued to fight of the Esclavo while Genesis seemed to go into hiding. 

Above the rooftops sat Reaper and Cole both sitting watching the fight. 

“Dam so that’s Violets pet eh.”

“Yea seems so she seems to get her powers from darkness like you.” 

Reaper smirked to himself it was rare to see another darkness ability user. 

“When are you going in the act your part then Reaper?” inquired Cole

“As soon as Violets pet dies. that’s the point.” Reaper replied.

“She is not going to like that is she.” Cole muttered. 

The pillar of stone that had engulfed Genesis now retreated back into the ground leaving a new Genesis standing look at Violet and Clarissa. His suit was gone he now had a large set of armour on. It was red and blue and had a samurai theme to it. He now wore a mask but this mask was unusual as it covered all his face their was no eye holes it was a black canvas. In his red gauntlets hands Genesis held two long katanna’s one with a red hilt and one with a blue one. The armour bulked him up a bit. 

“Sorry to keep you waiting it took me a while to think up good armour”

“Not at all now lets see how it has improved you.” replied Violet.

“First things first. Esclavo go away!” Boomed Genesis

The Esclavo all sunk into the ground that they were standing on. Violet, Clarissa and Genesis stood in the empty street looking at each other. Violet pointed at Genesis with her left index finger. A small glow and them a purple beamed shot at him. To counter Genesis waved the left red katanna at the beam. Stopping it in its tracks. 

“A lot of people think because of my ability that its all I can do. But its now the only other skill that I was hounded for by the Anti Exiled Ones was my sword skills. Not even Deox when I was serious could take me.” Boasted Genesis. 

Violet ignored his boast she did not care this was all too much fun for her. She started her frantic giggling and ordered Clarissa to attack Genesis.  This time ready Genesis got into a fighting stance. One blade over his head and one pointing forward. Clarissa shot forward at an insane speed. She swiped at Genesis he parried with his red sword. Another swiped another parry this went on for about a minute sparks flying with every contact. Cole, Reaper and Violet watched in amazement his smugness about his sword skills were no lie. The armour did nothing to slow down Genesis it was their to protect him from the swiped he could not parry. Clarissa was relentless she did what she was ordered to do no matter what. Violet in the background laughing finding this to be the funniest thing ever. Genesis growing tired of being of defence all the time changed to offence. His slashes were as fast as Clarissa swiped the difference was that Genesis had range. Clarissa had no defence to speak off every slash tore skin from bone each tear took muscle and took more breath out of Clarissa. Panicked her pet was going to die Violet shot forth to protect her pet. She was too late Genesis had sliced of her head. It rolled back onto Violets shoe she looked down in despair. 

“WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!!” Screamed Violet

Energy was building up an around Violet the eyes under her mask were pure bright purple. Genesis shot forth before anything could happen. It was too fast for Violet the sword went into her torso. The energy died out and Violet was left at the end of a sword coughing up blood. 

“You haven’t won we will meet again boy”

Violet burst into purple light and spewed forth into the air. Genesis looked up in amazement. 

“Ok it’s my time to shine” Reaper said to Cole jumping off the building. 

Standing at the other end of the street Reaper waved to Genesis to get his attention. Genesis turned and got into battle stance before bursting forth. 

_______________________________________________________________________________ I like this chapter has a little more about Genesis/ Apprentice past aswell as Deox's. Plus Awesome Armour.

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