Chapter 1: The Front Lines.

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Standing on the a rooftop of a medium sized office complex stood a large group of people no more than thirty all in all, they stood and watched the scene in front of them fold out. Most buildings had lost their power but that did not mean there was no light for the people to see, the flashes of red, yellow and green enthralled the city. Large balls of molten shot from the air and landed randomly exploding on impact with the ground or anything unlucky enough to make contact. The sounds of explosions and screams also made their way to the rooftop to the group.

“this is insane! Look what they are doing to the city!” shouted one of the men within the group he wore a police uniform blue with 'Police' written on his chest.

“Calm down son we are almost ready we are just waiting for one more fighter then we begin,” replied a large build man taller than everyone else, It was Baal a little younger a hint of black still in his hair and beard.

With that said from Baal a large doorway portal opened, purple and red electricity surrounding it. Stepping out was a mummy bandaged from head to toe, He wore black baggy trousers and brown boots but no top just bandages all around his body, only his left eye exposed. Dopey and blue.

“Ah here he is, Everyone meet Deox Ammon. Our last fighter.” Baal proclaimed

Everyone just stood looking at him some upset with his flashy entrance.

“Baal looks like all the ten man terrorist group is here,they also brought their soldiers the Heth. There numbers are many. The Army has set up blockades around the city but the main action seems to be in the gardens and the area around it.”

stepping from the ground a older gentleman with long grey hair and wearing a large riot uniform, “You mean the Exiled Ones are our enemy?” he asked.

“OK no need to hide it now, My name is General Baal and as you have heard on the news the Exiled Ones are real and they have brought their personal soldiers the Heth, they are easy to identify as they have no mouth, ears or hair only pale white eyes and pitch black skin.”

interrupted by another stranger this time wearing all black and with a funky Halloween mask on, “and you have the army and us thirty here to deal with what a ten man organization, they cant have more than say a hundred of these Heth.”

The Deox replied “Their power is not to be laughed at this ten man organization made me into this mummy,”

“Well who are YOU! Anyway?” The Halloween man asked pointing at Deox.

Baal answered “He was last years worlds tournament champion.” pointing at Deox “He faced only three of these nobody terrorists to end up in that state.”

Everyone looked at him with wide eyes, The word champion defeated my three nobodies this was unheard of. Shame was felt by the Halloween masked man.

“There is more than just a hundred Heth otherwise I would not have assembled you people, There is more than a couple thousand to our knowledge, and this is why you were all hand picked by me. From now on we are called the Anti-Exiled Ones and our special job assigned by us by the government is to destroy these Terrorists if he fail this city and this county is lost. We are the first and final defence people.”

“What do you mean country?” this time the question was asked by a slender young woman with fire red lipstick eyes and hair.

“If we fail Britain is locking of Scotland from the world nothing in or out. “

She replied with anger “they cant do that!”

“ Oh but they can, I choose you people because of your skills and abilities with you we will win. it is set up into groups so its easier to fight an Exiled One. They are easily identified they wear black robes with five stars with red lines through them and wear unique masks to each fighter. You were all given ear pieces when you all arrived at this building if you haven’t all ready please put them in.” a minute of silence as people plugged in the ear pieces. “The person you shall be contacting with is the young woman who spoke earlier, As with all of you. She has a new name please call her Voice she will be the in-tell that could make or break this battle”

Exiled Chronicles - Purge War.((Book 1 Done)) (Book 2 Progress on Hold))जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें