Trouble with Zombies

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Cassandra's POV

After the whole commotion,the cowboy introduced himself as David and he has been sent here by a bunch of fae because he broke one of their own's heart.He said sorry to me and Chris and really thought i was single until Chris claimed my mouth again in front of him.David immediately scowled and Chris smirked at him before putting an arm around my waist.

I had to rip Chris's arm off my waist by threatening him that i won't kiss him for two weeks if he didn't let go.But he did,after giving me one last sloppy kiss.It may have been gross but i enjoyed it because of the sparks that made you high.I rolled my eyes at Chris who threw a basketball into a handmade hoop and whooped before throwing away his shirt.It revealed a gorgeous eight pack.I literally drooled but paused and growled when i saw some single ladies from my pack looking too.Chris noticed and picked up his shirt before putting it back on.

I flashed him a grin and smirked at the disappointed girls who reluctantly left.I strode towards him and patted his chin softly,"Don't make me jealous.It doesn't look pretty when i murder someone."Before walking towards David who grinned at my approach.

He smiled,"You have something on your face."

I frowned before wiping away the something but paused when he added,"Oh never mind.It's Jealousy."

I growled and sat next to him before noticing the sword in his hands,"What's that?"

He picked it up,"This is my father's sword and he got it from my grandfather.He passed away when my father pushed him during a war to save him but the push was too fast that my grandfather split his head against a rock.My father blamed it on himself,that's why he didn't know i am here,right now."He twisted the sword around in his hands,"Actually,i stole it.He wasn't even supposed to give me until i am eighteen.But..."He paused and looked away in shame,"I stopped aging once i stepped foot into this place.So i have been seventeen for three years already."

I balanched,"Seventeen for three years?But that's a lot.How come?"

He chuckled bitterly,"The Elf Queen's curse on the Demon King lasts for three years but she put a age-stopping spell so that's why he has been here for almost nineteen years now."

I sighed and took his hand in mine,"It's alright.You have all of us now.We will be here through every obstacle with you."

He looked up and smiled,"Okay."A hand wrapped around my wrist and pulled me back into a hard chest,i rolled my eyes and looked back to see Chris with anger and jealousy blazing in his eyes.He looked down at me and some of his anger dissolved before he pecked me.

When i turned to find Courtney,she was with Logan and Courtesy.They were all looking down at a map with different white chalked drawings which I'm sure Courtesy made.Cade and Carlie stood side by side with frowns on their faces while nodding their heads frequently.

I smiled to myself,before walking towards them.They looked up and Courtesy,all-serious-business-like,handed me over a gadget.She pointed at a circle with many dots,"This is us."Then she moved her finger towards the red cross,"That's the enemy."She moved her finger up the poorly drawn road,"This is how we are going to get there but the problem is there could be dangers lurking in those forests.And we have an injured one already."

Annabelle.No one spoke out her name but they all turned their heads towards the ash bottle which Isabelle is cradling.She looked up and flashed towards us in a blink of an eye,"You looking for me?"

We all looked at each other and someone spoke up,"We have an injured one and we think that it'd be safe if you stayed here with Anna."

Isabelle's lips curled back,revealing two sharp fangs,"No one tells me what to do.I need to revive Annabelle with her help and no one is going to stop me.You understand?"

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