Riddle Of The Year

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Cassandra's POV

"Oh my god!Get out of the way,i mean seriously!"Christopher,Chris,shouted as he jumped across many bodies near the river bank.

A smell of filth reached my nose and i rubbed my nose before grimacing at the dirt that covered the dead bodies' faces.Who would be so cruel to murder these people and then cover their scents from us by covering mud all over their faces?I looked to Logan who was mumuring reassuring words to Courtney whom looked disgusted instead of scared.They both go together after a few minutes when we intoduced to the pack that me and Chris officially accept each other and they even announced their acception to each other straight away after me and Chris did.

Well if Chris really wants me,he will have to make me feel loved and cherished,then maybe I'll think about it.I laughed evilly at the plan before turning to ask Chris who was leaning closer for a better look at them,"What really happened to them?"

He scraped dirt from a body's face and sniffed it,"I'm guessing they have been dead for at least two days and they have many scratch marks all over them."He then leaned forward and took a big whiff before taking a protective stance instantly in front of me,the others followed suite with their mates and growled along with my mate.He snarled furiously,"The cougars did this to the poor humans,i knew they would be up to no good soon enough."

I gasped and looked around in fear before whispering,"Are they declaring war on our pack then?"

He sighed in fustration,"They are very cautious and sneaky with many tricks up their sleeves.I'm guessing the nearest one,Shadow Claw Clan had something to do with this.But i am also guessing that they called the other clans and those clans are also-"

I cut him off by saying,"Declaring war on the other packs."

A girl from Chris's pack,Harmony had so much curiosity so she interjected with fear evident in her voice,"But the Shadow Claw Clan's leader just had a baby girl named Sunset Claw.Why would they suddenly do such a thing?"

I curiously asked after cocking my head at her,"How did you know about that?"

She blushed a deep red with deep embarrassment,"You see,my father was a lover of a cougar but she killed him after she found out he had a baby with a wolf who was his true mate.So she forgave him and married the leader of a clan herself.They have two to three kids now and she always calls me to check up on how i was doing."

She then paused for a breath,"But i guess i could let you talk to her when she calls at seven tonight after the pack dinner."She looked at me with her eyes of deep gold and smiled with hesitancy,"Please be very careful with her,she's a very fierce cougar but still she saved me during bad times.I owe her my life."I found myself getting lost in her eyes and falling into a deep hole.

But fingers snapped in front of me and Christopher growled with anger before whispering to Logan,"Get the girl out of here.She's a charmer who can tell people to do what she asks them to do.Pretty dangerous,i might add."

Harmony's nervousness settled in and her eyes fleeted over to meet mine for a few seconds before she averted them with fear evident in those eyes.If she was scared,then why did she make us notice her in the first place?

I shook my head before letting all the blocks in my head disappear and Charlotte yipped with great giant  happiness,"Finally you let me into your brain.You know how stuffy it gets in here with blood running around you in the system."

I tapped into her mind and asked,"Do you know anything about the Shadow Claw Clan and its cougars?"

She barked with agreement,"I do.Me and the leader's wife go way back as best friends until this stupid law came along.It claimed that cougars could not be in touch with any of their wolf friends so we were heartbroken but eventually i met new friends in wolf world.Why?"

I sighed to myself,"The cougars from that Clan attacked innocent humans and left them to rot but they did a really weird thing.They covered the faces with dirt.Do you have any idea what it means?"

She shook her big furry white head and sighed sadly,"I wish i did but i could give you the name of a friend who is expert in anything.She's a half witch and a half Nymph."

I laughed,"Are you sure she's real? Because witches are enemies of Nymphs,i mean literally they hated each other.Something about them not sharing a piece of land together or something else."

Charlotte whined,"HEY!I do have friends,some don't exist but anyways she's an expert at anything and she could help you with the question you are dying to know the answer to."

I then frowned and asked,"Where does she live though?"

She chuckled,"I can't exactly tell you cause she always told us to make it a challenge for others to find her.You will have a riddle given to you but then she's not very brilliant at them."She took a great breath and added,"The beyond where mountains lay,is the place where i stay.It's big and small at the same time,but in front of the house i have a statue of a mime."

I groaned inwardly,"Thanks for nothing at all."

She laughed,"Come on,don't be a downer.Put a smile on that gorgeous face of yours and show it off,sugar plum.I have to go now but remember the memory of remembering that riddle is temporary for challengers so you might want to get your ass up early tomorrow or do some studying of mountains tonight."She then left but suddenly she came back and added in a rush,"By the way,she lives in this country."

Thanks a lot,wolf of all mightyness.

Sometimes i wanted to strangle her when she leaves me hanging.A voice calls me away from my daze and i looked up,realizing everyone was staring at me with awe,doubt and again curiosity.

I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms before clapping my hands after a few seconds of silence,"Elite Wolves,get your furry butts moving,we're going on a trip all over this country to find this witch nymph."

Well,here we go.

Sorry guys.I took so long to update a chapter every bloody time because me and my family agreed on one hour of playing out phones so i needed at least more than an hour.

I sincerely apologize and hopefully you'd vote for me despite this bad habit of mine.Like i update another chapter the next day but then after a few days,i suddenly upload another one.I skip few days but then again i don't skip.It's just plain weird.

So sorry.

But please vote,like and comment!


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