Unexpected Surprises-Part 2

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Cassandra's POV

Humming,i smiled at the beautiful sight in front of me.The lanterns that Christopher had set up were amazing.Today was the day of the Dark Luna's Birthday and we werewolves had to celebrate it because it was a tradition to respect the one who gave us a new meaning in life.

Gazing into the sky,two hands encircled my waist and i squeaked in surprise before pounding my fists onto my mate's chest which rumbled in laughter in return.

Pouting,i said,"So not fair.You are stronger.I'm not."He grasped my vhin and forced me to look up at me before he whispered,"You're perfect.In any form and any where.I just wish i could kiss you."

I smiled nervously,"Thanks,i guess."I added,"But we have to take it slow."He nodded,closing his eyes and burying his face in my neck,inhaling my scent deeply.Wolves tend to do this to calm their wolf when they are mad or aroused.

Mates are important to them because if one of the mates died,the wolf would be lonely and would be mating anybody it could get its hands on.Usually,pack whores are lunas in the paat few years but then they grew out of their whoring around and became mature.Just like my best friend,her mother was the ex Luna who charged into a war with a confident face and a fighting stance that won her pack members' love.

Someone cleared their throat,i looked back,pushing Christopher away from me gently before clearing my throat and saying,"Yes,Lucy?"Lucy was the girl who spread rumors about Cassidy's whoring around.

She smiled gratefully that i had helped her ease the tension a bit,"Uh...well....uh...Cassidy wants to speak with you..."Sneaking a peek at Christopher's reaction which was total shock,"Alone."Stressing on the word,she quickly turned on her heels and left as fast as her feet could take.

I took a glance at Christopher who smiled,"Can you stop calling me Christopher?Call me Chris."

I nodded in relief before testing it on my tongue,"Chris.Chris.Chris."Before i added,"Call me Sandra then.If you want to.Others call me Cassie because well they are different and i want you to feel special by calling me with a new nickname."

But then i heard my sister calling for me so i rolled my eyes,pecked Chris on the cheek befors strolling towards my sister who was screaming at the top of her lungs.She sagged in relief when she saw me but tensed when she saw my murderous face because she ruined my romantic moment with Chris.I still couldn't get used to it but it was a way easier nickname to remember.And from the way he spoke his nickname,i knew he never had one before.

I smiled goofily before a hand waved in front of me,snapping me back to reality.I raised an eyebrow at my worried sister before settling for,"What do you want?Cassidy Jenny Daniels."She flinched at her whole name because she never liked her middle name because she thought it was too plain and not classy like my middle name,Claire.

Rolling my eyes at her,i asked again with pressure on all of the words,"What do you want?"

She raised her eyebrow,"So you think i want something from you.Do you take me for some whore?"When she saw my blank expression,she nervously laughed,"Never mind,don't answer that.Like ever."But then pressing her lips into a thin line,she blurted,"I want you to help me to get my mate back."

I crossed my arms and asked,"What makes you think i will help you?I mean,you called fat,useless,slut and tons of other names and even bullied me ever since Rose died.Then you pulled out the blame-Cassandra card out and everybody started hating me and they even followed in your footsteps after Chris chose you as his mate."

She said something next that surprised me,"I'm sorry.I didn't mean to-"She breathed in a breath before saying,"I was just so jealous at how beautiful and carefree you were.You had friendliness written all over your face and you always make up everyone's day.I on the other hand was always in a sour mood and so not sociable at all."

I added for her,"So you thought bullying me would get you to be popular after Chris chose you."She nodded and regret filled her eyes.Leeaning forward,i hugged her and apologised too for my previous behaviour.

Jeez,how many surprises were there gonna be in a day.


Okay,i spoke too soon.Because as soon i walked through the door,everyone jumped out and said,"Welcome Back,Cassandra."Chris jumped out from behind a counter in the kitchen and in his hands was a chocolate forest cake with icing all over the sides.I chuckled at his attempt to balance the cake.In the end,he fell but someone caught the cake.And it was Cassidy.

Everyone backed away and someone shouted,"Ewww.I am not gonna eat the cake anymore.Imagine those STDs."Cassidy's face morphed into hurt but turned into shock at my next words,"So what?She's my sister."

Grabbing the cake from her hand,i slid my finger around the icing,scooping it up before putting my chocolate icing covered finger into my mouth.he taste of dark chocolate filled my mouth and my taste buds reacted happily.

Cassidy even did the same and we laughed before high fiving each other.Chris smiled and did the same too.He pecked me on the cheek before mumuring,"I really did miss you,Sandra.And i will always be yours from now on."He smiled again at me with a wide one and leaned forward.

I backed up and held my hands against his chest,feeling his heart rate picking up and his muscles tensing before jumping up,circling my arms around his neck and pressing my lips against his.Fireworks erupted like crazy and i was drunk in the kiss.Everything was perfect but where was the cake?

When i looked back after pulling away from a slightly disappointed Chris and chuckled at the sight.Cassidy and Logan were fighting over the cake before tackling ecah other,rolling around on the floor while everyone else watched in amusement at the Daniel kids.

If only Alex and my other brother was here.And my friends.

Oh well,life wasn't always about roses and cakes.

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