Stolen kwami!?

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~ (ANOTHEE FANART: by: @Azume_draws it's awesome! 😍 (If you ever want to send a picture of FANART, send it to attackontato on KIK or kiritosgame or titan.eren on Instagram! )?


(( btw, I feel sick ad I feel like trash, so sorry if I'm slow on updates... Like my arms can't move good so this hurts typing these, but I'm doing it for you guys. ♥️ ))
You sat waiting for Sean...

After finally, a while you spotted him and he ran up looking pissed, "hey Sean--"

"Don't "hey Sean," me! You totally ditched us!" He yelled brushing off dirt, "what do you mean I ditched you!?" You yelled, more confused then used to be, "you took off when you were fighting!" He yelled and You looked at the brown haired male,

"No I didn't! The girl said she would take my place while I can take a break-- for losing my memory!" You Yelled back and he stared at you wide eyed, "you have your Kwami to someone else!?" He yelled and you nodded, "she said she can do  it so.."

Just then Sean's fox Kwami came out, "y/n! You don't give someone else your Kwami! They can damage it! Or even worse, give it to hawk moth...!" The shy fox said as going back in Sean's pocket, "I'm sorry I didn't know!" You yelled back as Sean sighed, "you're screwed."

"Well thanks for helping me out!" You yelled as he leaned back, "well, it was your mess up so you get it." He said as he ate a scoop of his ice cream, "WHAt!? I'm not fighting that girl by MYSELF."

"Well it isn't my fault," he said and you growled, "I should've gone with Adrian and Marinette!" You said, "maybe they would have helped me, instead of being a lazy ass like you!" You yelled as you got up and went looking for the familiar blonde and black haired girl.


The little blonde was in her bedroom, "hm, so what's your name?" She asked looking at the little Panther,

"I'm not telling you! Only my owner will know," snorted back the animal, Chloe sighed, getting slightly angry.

"How about I be your new owner?" She asked and Zuki looked at her strange.

"Uhm.. The only way you can is if I choose you if my owner abandoned me, and I choose you, or I chose you from the start-- which none of those happen, so!"

"But basically she didn't abandon you, she gave you to me pretty much." Said the blonde.

"Yea! But you tricked her, if she didn't lose her memory and she didn't forget how much of a meanie you are she would have not given me to you! I would hope not!" Pouted the Panther,

(I legit should draw your Kwami tho...)

"Who knows, maybe one day she could just, forget you... And forever and forever." Said Chloe backing up pacing around, "but if I had you I would never, ever do that in my life! I mean look how adorable you are!" The witch said as she held onto the panthers cheeks, "when y/n grows up, she'll have a family, she will forget about superhero stuff and move on, just giving you away and you need to find a new person, why don't you just stay with me..? I'll never forget you."


"Now what's your name?"

"Z-Zuki..." Said the panther, Chloe's words hitting her like a soccer ball, which happened a million of times-- in her little heart.

'Y/n will forget about me one day...' Thought the blue eyed animal, 'but I can't let this crazy girl get through my head!' She thought.

"Well Zuki, I'll give you anything-- well are you hungry? I will get you something."

Zuki groaned, "I like crackers..." She replied and Chloe nodded, smirking.

"I'll be right back," she said as she went downstairs to grab crackers.

~ with you ~

"Adrian? Marinette? Someone?!" You yelled frantically, "please.." You said as you heard footsteps behind you, you turned around seeing the familiar brown haired girl with the red tips, "hey y/n, remembering some stuff--"

"I LOST MY KWAMI!" You yelled and she got taken back a little, "what do you mean, you lost it?"

You nodded looking down, "and I don't know where she could be...!" You said as you felt bad, "well.. Who took it, or who did you give it too?"

"I gave it to a blonde girl-- she had like a little friend with her, with red hair.."

Alya got up, "stupid Chloe.."

"That's her name, Chloe?" You asked and alya nodded, "yea, she is like a Brit brat..."

"Well how do I get my Kwami back?"

"We have to fight her for it, but she probably won't go down without a fight.,,"

"Well, let's try!"

"Well, you need chat noir and ladybug, but for 2 reasons, one being, they only come when danger comes, two being, we don't know who they are, "

"Hm... We can ask Adrian and Marinette if they can help--" "okay, let's go!"

~ to Marinettes bakery were Adrian is. ~

"Adrian, you are gonna have to forget her one day if she isn't gonna be here to remember you." Said Marinette ad he stared at his tea, "but I love her, I can't let her go,"

"You should ask her out-"

"She lost her memory, she doesn't remember anything we did together at all, only for today when we saw her at the hospital!" He said and Marinette looked at her tea.


"Yea...?" He said, feeling bad he did an outburst.

"Who would you date, if you were to not like y/n anymore..." She asked, slightly awkward.

"Uhm. Well there's someone but I can't say..."

"Please Adrian..." She said, she pleaded for a while when he finally agreed to tell, "well... The person will be you, I would date you if I were to not love y/n anymore."

He said and Marinette smiled to herself. "Adrian over here.." She said and he went over to her, leaning over the table, "mhm..?"

He asked as a pair of lips connected to his, he froze, so did Marinette till after a few seconds they released.

"I love you Adrian, I only acted I didn't cause you love y/n, and she liked you--" Marinette stopped, realizing what she said, "she used to like me?" He asked and she nodded and he stayed silent after that.

"Oh..." He said and looked at Marinette, "I'll walk you out if you want to go.." Said Marinette getting up, he did too as they walked to the door and he stayed there, the black aired girl turned around, "Adrian? You okay?"

He didn't answer he went to Marinette as he grabbed her shoulders and pushed her in another kiss again, a minute passed and they let go, "I'm sorry-- I needed it.." He said as he turned to see the familiar h/c girl and her eyes widened and so was Alyas,

"Adrian? Marinette?" Asked alya, "you t-two just..."

"Alya, it didn't mean anything.." Said Marinette and Adrian nodded, they looked at y/n, her eyes watering a little tink, "y/n you okay?" Marinette asked,

"I have to go..." She said as she ran out of the bakery, leaving the three friends silent. "She was gonna ask if you could help her get her kwami  back, or help find chat noir and ladybug... I don't know what got into her when she saw you two kiss, maybe she remembers? Who knows..." Said alya as she left, looking for y/n.

Adrian and Marinette looked at each other, "you can go after her." Marinette sAid and Adrian nodded as he ran out and ran the way y/n did.

'I'm sorry y/n....' He thought as he ran. 'I don't know who I love...'

((This esclated, but hey, more drama, anyway, enjoy! ))

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