My new story || 2/2

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[ yes update 2 just really wanted to say the names! ]
Most votes girls name:
Most votes boy name:
It's been a few months, but finally after all, it was the day.
The day of your and adriens wedding, a day a women will never forget, a day that women have been dreaming of ever since a little girl, this is her dream day.

"Miss.l/n, please hurry up its almost time,"

"Okay.." She said as she took a look of herself, her silky, long/short (h/c) colored hair hung down, a few pieces clipped to the back, her vail over her head.

The dress came down to her ankles, her shoes was a plain white with flowers on the side, she smiled I herself as she looked to the top part, decorated with slight flowers.

She turned to her side and smiled, "today's the day..." She whispered to herself and she held her flowers tightly as she went out and the man brought her down, her father went up to her and smiled.

"I'm so proud o my daughter...." He said and wiped a tear away she giggled and kissed his cheek and held onto him, the music started to play.

"Do do-do-do...."

She breathed out and the doors opened revealing the bride and her father and Adrien saw and his eyes widened and his mouth dropped a little, his eyes gleamed, alya looked at Adrien and saw his reaction and she snapped a picture quickly putting it away and she smiled.

Marrinette saw her bestfriend walk down the asile and her eyes started to water but wiped it off,

Y/n got to the steps and she stepped up to Adrien and stared at him and smiled, he mouthed words to her.

"You look beautiful..." He mouthed and she blushed, the priest started to talk,

"We all were welcomed here for y/n l/n and Adrien agreste's wedding,"

Everyone listened and started to cry happily, it was finally coming to an end,

"Do you, y/n take Adrien to be your wedded husband ?"

She smiled and mumbled the words, "I do..." She said holding back her tears, "and do you, Adrien take y/n to be your  wedded wife?"

He smiled, "I do."

"Are there any holds against this marriage what so ever?" Asked the priest and no one spoke, thank god they did not invite Chloe...

"Very well, well I may pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride." Said the priest and the married couple kissed each other and everyone cheered as they saw the rings on eachother fingers.

This was, the best day that could happen in a girls life.

Hours has passed, y/n threw the flowers as Marrientte caught them she looked at nathanel and blushed and they both laughed and smiled and y/n smiled as everyone left and so did Adrien and y/n.

They got home, since they didn't have enough money to go anywhere for their honey moon they decided to stay home.

They weren't both happy of it but atleast they have each other.

Adrien went up to y/n and smirked at her and she blushed as he pushed her against the wall smiling and then kissed her on the lips and licked her lips for entrance, she gladly accepted and he explored every inch of her mouth and they pulled back for air as he picked her up bridal style and brought her to their room.

That was the night to remember,,,

Next day :

Y/n woke up and she groaned as she moved her legs and Adrien was asleep and he moved a little and turned his head to her, "good morning beautiful." He said and she smiled and hugged him and held onto her,

"I'm so sore..." She said and moaned in pain.

"From me?" He asked and winked and she slapped him a off the head lightly, "shut up." She said,

They both laughed and she held onto her stomach and they decided to get up and dress she got dressed after she showered and Adrien did the same and she went to walk but she fell onto the couch, "wow..." He said and laughed, "shut up Adrien!" She said and he laughed, it was gonna be a long day.


It's gonna be one month till the baby is born, they soon found out y/n was pregnant when she was showing signs the second month.

The days went by fast, it was May 12,

Y/n was sitting on the couch she sighed and held onto her tummy when she got up she felt a big kick and she groaned, "OW...!" She said and she felt something drip as she looked down and saw her water has broke, "oh god...." She said and went to call Adrien as she put on her shoes and grabbed the bag, Adrien was in the car and his phone ran as he couldn't answer since he was driving he had Nino answer it.

"Nino, please answer it." He said and he nodded as he answered,

"Hello, it's Nino adriens in the car." He said and y/n was huffing loud, "y/n?"

"What happened to y/n!?" Said Adrien and Nino listened closely.

"Nino, tell Adrien it's time..." She said and hung up and his eyes widened, "Adrien it's time she said and adriens eyes widened, "OH GOD!" He yelled and he drove fast to the house and he got y/n and picked the bags as he put them in the trunk quickly and he slammed the trunk shut and helped y/n in as Nino and nathanel was in the back and Nino was helping out y/n, along with nathanel and Adrien was just driving to the hospital quickly.

"Just breath y/n!" Said Nino, and she cried out in pain, "ADRIEN DRIVE FREAKING FASTER!" Yelled Nino and Adrien got there as he parked quickly and brought y/n in telling Nino and Nathanel to get the bags out of the trunk and they brought her to a room.


"wahhhh!!" Was what you heard Throughout the hospital and the baby boy got taken into a room and y/n was breathing normal a little, the doctor looked up at the monitor, "looks like you have another contraction..." He said and saw it was another baby,

"It's another baby... Okay let's go again.." He said and adriens eyes widened, "twins...?!" He said and y/n grabbed onto his hand and she yelled in pain and she huffed and she yelled one last time and another cry was heard and y/n's eyes grew droopy, "go to sleep sweetheart..." Said Adrien and she soon fell asleep.

~ three hours again ~

Y/n woken up and Adrien was holding the baby boy and Marrientte was holding the baby girl, "they're so cute..." She said in a low whisper and y/n smiled and sat up and Adrien saw her and go up juggling the baby up in down in his harms lightly, "wanna hold him?" He asked and she nodded as she held him and looked at the baby as the baby opened his eyes slowly and yawned, his eyes were just like hers, (e/c). she smiled and a tear fell down her face.

"What are we gonna name him ?" Adrien asked and she looked at him,

"Cole...?" She asked and Adrien said his name, "Cole agreste." He said and smiled, "I like it..."

"You name the girl.." She said as marrinette went over and handed the baby girl over, he looked down at the baby girl.

Her cheeks were all red and she moved around, "how about... Rose?" He asked and she looked at her, "Rose Agreste." She said and smiled, "I like it."

"Welcome to the world, Rose and Cole agreste..." They said together and smiled kissing each's head.

- first person -

And that is.. My new story...

And... It's an on going adventure.

[ DUNDUNDUNDUN THE END. I had a great time with this book with all of you-- and I will write the next book. Promise me you will read it! I hope you will fall in love with the kids, I'm thinking of the personalitys right now . THANK YOU FOR READING. ]

3.13.16 ~ book completed

[ next update will be about the new book. :) ]
[ FOR THISE WHO AAID "adriens father is Rich how don't they have enough money??" Because adrien doesn't really wanna talk to his father after the incident of like him taking in you so yea. And his father is about the modeling so Adrien quit, yea I never wrote it but I thought you guys would probably think. ]

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