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[ miraculous is on right now and  I'm happy that gave me the inspiration to write a chapter. ]


I groaned, rolling over banging my alarm button with my hand, "SHUTUP." I yelled and I got up, doing my normal routine I went downstairs and ate toast.

"How are you feeling?" Asked my mom, "better." I said and she nodded as she looked around, "I have to go to work but have a good day at school." She said and kissed my head and I nodded and got up putting my dish in the sink and quickly brushing my teeth.

I went to my room and checked the time, "6:49, I have time." I said to myself and I laid down till I got s text, I groaned and opened my phone with the text.


Hey girl! I was wondering if you would like to go with Marinette and I to the shops today, what you say?

I thought, hm.. Couldn't hurt..

Sure, I'll go.

I sighed and saw her read it and she started typing.

YAY! But Marinette wants to bring Adrian. —...— she said for you two to talk..... Is that fine?

I read it over and over, Adrian? Do I have to forgive him,....

Yea, sure whatever. I don't really care. .-.

I looked at the clock, "6:59." I got up and out my shoes on ran outside with my bag running to school.

I met up with Marinette and alya. "Hey y/n!" Said alya and Marinette smiled at me waving, "hi..." I said out of breath for running, almost a mile to school.

"Girl, why did you run?" Asked alya chuckling, "my mom went to work early today...." I said out of breath but soon I got my breath back and breathed normal.

"Anyway.... So what did Adrian say about going?" I asked, "oh we didn't ask but if you want I you can." Said Marinette, I shrugged, "okay.." I said and wiped my forehead from the sweat and walked up to Adrian and tapped his shoulder.

He turned around, "oh hey, y/n..." He said turning around, I looked at him in his eyes, "hey, Uhm. Marinette wanted to know if you wanted to go to the shops with me and alya, like.,, is four I guess."

"Uhm... Maybe... I have some stuff to do after school for my father,,, Uhm I'll see!" He said and the bell rang, "well... See ya!" He ran inside with nino.

"What the hell was that?" I asked myself and I just shook my head and walked inside and told Marinette, we went to social studies.

I sat down next to Adrian, "hey." He said and I looked at him, "hi."

Class continued. "Okay class with the people you sit next to, you will be just talk , but talk about social studies related okay?"

Stupid rule. Nobody will do that.

I just didn't talk to Adrian, well atleast start the conversation, but he did.

"Uhm so..."

"So what's up with your little secret?" I asked teasing him.


"Yea, I know you don't have stuff to do for your dad, so who..,?" I asked and he sighed, "I don't really want too...."

"Please?" I asked and he sighed, "it's my secret though so..."

"Please Adrian, I promise I won't tell anyyyyyyyyonnnnneeee!" I said and he just shook me off, "just forget it, y/n." He said and I just looked at him.

'Whale then...' I thought and just looked ahead. I then felt a tap on my shoulder, I turned around meeting my eyes with chocolate brown ones, "what do you want, Sean?" I asked in an annoyed tone and he sighed, "look I'm sorry y/n, I didn't mean any of it I was just.., mad."

"Whatever." I said turning back, "please y/n, be my friend again....." He said and I sighed, "when you show you're a true friend, from not keeping SECRETS from me," I said secrets loud so Adrian could hear, "and maybe not make me feel bad about the shit I do," I then looked at Sean again,

"I promise I won't, please y/n I miss you!" He said and then Adrian turned around, "well she doesn't miss you! You're a Fucking bitch to her! You changing your game just to get her back, yea. Okay. You ruined my chances with her last time and you act it off like nothing ever fucking happened, but trust me she might not know your old self but sure as hell I do, and I don't want her to go with someone like you!" He said and got up to go out, "I'm not letting her go to that side." He said and grabbed me as I yelped and he dragged me into the hall,

"What was that ?" I asked and he just stood there looking at the ground, "y/n, please... Don't leave me..." He said and hugged me and I was shocked and stayed in that position, "I don't want you to go with him! He's rude and a horrible person if you knew what he did to us in the past you wouldn't even be looking at him!"

I sighed and pushed him back a bit, "Adrian get off me..."

"No please..." He said and I sighed again, "fine..." I said and hugged him back.

The hug was warm and for a long time.

"Okay, Adrian, let go..." I said and he finally let me go and I looked at him in the eyes and his eyes looked back at me, gleaming.

I then just bit my lips and just kissed him there.

I mean, yes... A little fast but hey... Don't blame me!

Our lips moved in sync for a long time till we pulled away for air and I was a blushing mess and pink tinted his cheeks.

"I'm... Sorry, I couldn't help myself..." I said and he just hugged me, "it's okay.. I liked it...." He said and I smiled.

"Don't let go..." He said and I smiled, "I won't..."

(( HALLO READERS. yes this is fast idk... But I'm trying to get some stuff into chapters sooner cause I won't be updating for a week, ARG, and trying to keep this book short of chapters, but yea...))

What do you think adrians secret is?

Yes it wasn't revealed in this.

If you live in Florida I hope to see you! I'm going there for Disney world/land idk what one it is, but yea, if you are gonna be there or live near there hope to see you.. I'm gonna be there for a week!

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