12 - Things don't make sense

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AN - So once again I have had to update on my phone, so all of the italics are gone but I will come back tomorrow to edit! yay! 

okay so imma english bitch so I'm used to English weather, and all of you from warm countries will laugh at me now - but literally it was 26 degrees today and I thought I could sell my sweat in bottles on ebay dear lord I was so hot!  


Anywhoooo if you like this (or if you don't but please don't be too mean to little old me) horrific chapter then feedback would be looovely. 

Love you sweetums!

"I literally don't even give a shit anymore." Zayn groaned; closing book and then his eyes, and slipping further down into the uncomfortable, plastic chairs provided in the school library.

Liam snorted, "Well if that's the case then can I borrow your highlighter? Mines just ran out."

Zayn groaned again, unnecessarily, and threw his highlighter to Liam from across the table that was laden with binders, files, loose papers, text books and pencil cases.

Niall huffed from where he was partially hidden behind his Maths text book, "Is anyone else slowly dying right now?"

"Yes, but our first Math exam is in two days and I plan on actually doing well." Liam replied, kicking Niall under the table after Niall flicked him on the ear, "Wanker." Liam muttered teasingly.

"Harry," Zayn said suddenly, sitting up slightly, "Are your thumbs actually welded to your phone now."

Harry glanced up at Zayn with a glare, he dropped his phone into his lap, "No." Then he promptly picked it back up and continued typing his message to Louis.

"Who're you texting?" Niall asked, even though it was very obviously Louis, because Louis was the only person who could make Harry smile like that.

"Louis." Harry grinned.

Niall snorted, "You are so gone for him that it is actually bordering on hysterical."

Harry kicked him under the table.

"What the fuck is this!? Kick Niall day!?" Niall swore loudly, cradling his ankle and ignoring the disapproving glare from the school librarian.

"Yes." Harry shot back, smile hidden behind his phone.

When Harry looks back at his phone there is a text from Louis waiting.

From Louis (3:49pm): So I have to wait a whole hour!? xxxxxx

Harry giggled.

He actually giggled, and Niall rolled his eyes in a way that should be condescending but really just showed how much he cared about Harry.

To Louis (3:50pm): Yes, but after this hour my brain will be so full of maths that I can dazzle you with Pythagoras Theorem and then ace my test in two days time, then get into a good college and then a good uni then get a good job and then earn loads of money so that we can bathe in money together xxxxxxxx

Harry smiled fondly at his phone as he sent the message, but then he locked the screen and attempted to turn his attention to his math book.

It didn't last long because a) his phone vibrated with a new text, and b) Niall said, "Harry I just remembered something I was supposed to ask you."

Harry closed his math book again and looked at Niall, "Hm?"

"Who were you at the beach with on Saturday?" Niall asked, fiddling with his biro but looking curiously at Harry - Zayn and Liam murmuring to each other quietly in the background about algebra... literally...

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