4 - The Kooks

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AN - And here we are with chapter four! Well, I planned to update sooner but that obviously didn't happen, and I was actually supposed to update my Niall one but I updated this one instead and oh lord every thing is going weird.

ALSO! BACK FOR YOU READERS!!! The description is going up in a matter of minutes for the prequel! Now, I won't actually be writing it for a while, but it's gonna be up there so you guys can see that I will write it, but it's not gonna be until (probably my Niall one, because i think that one's gonna be shorter) is finished.


I hope you like this, it was really rushed but yeah... if you do like it, please vote/follow/comment, i love reading the comments and votes are like little fluffy clouds of happiness.                                               I think it's a bit too late for me to be talking to the public....

Anyways, love you all my sweetums!

This was new.

Harry was sitting cross legged on his bed, phone clasped in his hand, not quite sure what to do with himself.

It was all very new.

No-one had ever given Harry their number with just the simple explanation of ‘I want to see you again’ before. No-one had ever really just given Harry their number at all really, because Niall gave Harry his number once they were firm friends, and then Niall had just given Harry Liam’s and Zayn’s number.

So this was all very new, it felt kind of risqué and flirtatious – like in the endless novels (and the odd chick-lit) that Harry read, and he felt nervous as he stared at his phone, knowing that Louis’ number was saved there.

It should be easy. All you have to do is unlock the phone, click on ‘New Message’ and type out something casual, but Harry had been staring at his phone since he woke up at eight that Saturday morning, and now the glowing red of his alarm clock showed that it was half past ten.

The thing was, what if Louis didn’t actually want Harry to text him? What if he was just being polite? What if…?

Of course he doesn’t want you to text him.’

‘Why would he want you to text him? You’re worthless.’

‘You’re boring, you’re a pointless human being, the world would be better with you gone.’

Harry’s breath began to quicken, and he felt the phone begin to burn in his hand, like even his own phone despised him. In a panic, Harry threw his phone to the bottom of his bed, jumped up and raced into the bathroom to have a shower, planning to attempt to try and wash off some of his worthlessness. If only.


“So Harry, do you want to go out today?” Anne asked cheerfully as Harry slouched into the kitchen, head hung towards the floor.

Harry shook his head, and slipped into one of the dining room chairs that were placed around the table in the centre of the large, marble kitchen.

“Why not honey?” Anne asked, sounding disappointed, “I thought maybe you and I could go to the cinema together, mother/son bonding day.

Harry sighed and fiddled with a napkin at his place setting, “M’sorry Mum, I just don’t feel like it.”

“Have you been taking your pills?” Anne asked, worry creeping into her voice.

Harry sighed again, “Yes Mum, I just don’t feel like seeing people today.”

Anne exhaled slowly, in that caring way that mothers around the world seem to have perfected; then she sat herself down quietly into the chair next to Harry, ran a cool hand through his curls and leant forward, “Are you ok?”

“Yes Mum,” Harry said, “It’s just that… I… Oh I don’t know Mum.”

“What is it?” Anne prompted.

‘Don’t bother telling her Harry, everything you have to say is pointless, don’t waste everyone else’s time with shit you pour out of your mouth.’

Harry bit his lip, ignored the voice and spilled out, “Well this boy gave me his number and told me to text him, and I’m too scared.”

Harry got panicked when his Mum didn’t reply, so he looked up from where he was studying the pattern in the wood of the dining room table, only to see his Mum beaming at him, smile so wide it split her face in half.

“A boy gave you his number!?” Anne exclaimed, “As in a boy boy?” She added, wiggling her eyebrows.

Harry groaned, and hid his face in his hands, “Mu-um!” He whined, “It’s not like that! He probably doesn’t even like me at all, let alone like that.”

Anne huffed, “Don’t put yourself down like that Harry, he would be lucky to have you.”

‘Lucky to have you? Bullshit. You’ll never have anyone.’

“Who would be lucky to have him?” Gemma asked as she entered the room, blowing on her fingernails to dry the red nail polish she had painted on.

“A boy.” Anne replied, wiggling her eyebrows again.

Suddenly Gemma’s interest perked up, she slid into the chair opposite Harry and leant forwards excitedly, “Which boy? Who? What’s his name? Is he hot?”

Harry blushed red hot, “Shut up Gemma.”

‘Careful what you say, don’t push away one of the only people unfortunate enough to have to live with you.’

Harry swallowed nervously and listened to his head, “Sorry Gemma, I didn’t mean it.”

Gemma smiled at Harry, sadly albeit, because she wished for Harry’s sake that the voices would go, because his illness even got in the way of normal brother/sister banter and bickering.

“It’s alright Harry, don’t worry about it.” Gemma said quietly, “So, what is this mystery boy’s name then?”

Harry swallowed nervously and tried to extinguish the blush that burned brightly on his cheeks, “Louis.”

“Louis, does he go to your school then?” Anne asked, intrigued about who had taken the time to get to know Harry, after so long of Harry only talking to family and Niall, Liam and Zayn – lovely boys, they are, Anne thought absentmindedly.

“No, he’s a college boy.”

“Ooh,” Gemma teased, winking dramatically, “An older man, eh Harry?”

Harry hid his face behind his fringe, giggling in embarrassment, “Not really, I can’t even bring myself to text him.”

Gemma scoffed, “Well he obviously likes you if he gave you his number, just text him and see how it goes, yeah?”

“Yeah. Yeah, ok.”


To Louis (11:05am) – Hi Louis, it’s Harry.

Harry sent the simple message with shaking fingers once he had hidden himself away in his bedroom once again. He put the phone on his bedside table and turned on his iPod dock, hitting play on a random playlist and exhaled heavily as The Kooks started lilting through the speakers, not expecting Louis to reply.

To Harry’s surprise, he saw he phone light up two songs in.

From Louis (11:09am) – Hey Harry! I’m surprised you texted, I wasn’t sure if you actually liked me. I’m really glad you did text.. xx

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