3 - Text me?

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AN - this was really rushed, but i hope you like it! This a/n also has to be super rushed so i'm just gonna say:

if you like it, please vote/follow/comment, it means the world and i love to hear from you!

Love ya sweetums

Trigger Warning - homophobic comments

When Harry's Mum came into his room at 6:30am to wake him up for school, he knew it was going to be a shit day. Not only because it was Friday and everyone one of his classmates would be overexcited and therefore rowdy, but he had PE.

With the weather rapidly deteriorating, PE had to be done in the sports hall meaning heaps of indoor athletics. Every girl was relieved (because they would be out of the wind, hence saving their hair) and every guy was annoyed (because after a while hurdles and vertical jump tests can become boring).

Once Harry had showered, dressed and grabbed breakfast all whilst speaking the minimum amount of words he could get away with, Harry walked to the bus stop. When the bus arrived, he sat up front, right behind the driver so Jonah wouldn't be able to stick post-its to his back or push him off his seat.

He heard a deep voice shouting at him from the back of the bus. He instantly tensed up and willed himself not to look back. If he acknowledged Jonah, he would slowly edge his way further to the front of the bus until he was tight up behind Harry, and then he would spit words into his ear and flick him childishly, all just out of sight from the driver. As Harry sat there, he heard Jonah and his friends calling out things like, 'curly haired faggot' and 'cock sucker' and there was no question who the jeers were directed at.

Harry made it to school without too much unwanted attention. Jonah had remained in his seat, and all Harry had to do was close his ears to Jonah and his friends, and try not to visibly flinch as his own mind taunted him instead.

‘You fucker.’



Harry entered school alone, as neither Niall, Zayn or Liam lived near him, and he started to head straight for the changing rooms where they would all meet and get ready for lesson one – PE. Walking down the corridors alone was the worst, because people seemed to love to shove him around and push him to the floor.

Eventually Harry made it to the changing rooms, and he gave his friends a weak smile and began to change next to them, avoiding all eye contact, and staying out of the conversation.


“I’ve got it!” Niall exclaimed suddenly, jumping to his feet and facing his three best mates who were still tying their laces in the changing room.

“Got what Niall?” Liam asked in confusion.

“Why Carmen won’t go out with me!” Niall cried, gaining groans from the three other boys.

“Niall,” Zayn sighed from his position on the floor, “Just give up mate, she doesn’t like you.”

Niall huffed, “No, it’s just that she prefers brunettes and I’ve bleached my hair, it can be easily fixed!”

Liam laughed, “Yeah that’s why she won’t go out with you…”

Niall gasped and kicked Liam’s shin, cackling when Liam groaned and gripping his leg in mock-pain.

“It’s alright,” Niall said, grabbing Harry’s shoulder and pulling him tight into his side, smile faltering only slightly when Harry flinched beneath his fingers, “Harry loves me. You love me don’t you?” Niall directed the question to Harry, who just stared at him wide-eyed, out of his depth, “He loves me.” Niall said confidently to the rest of the group, with a cheeky smile lighting up his flushed face.

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