1 - Hi

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A/N - so here is the first official chapter!! I dunno guys, like, i was so close to not getting this up because i swear I'm going to die of congestion (mm nice details there for you guys) and I just don't even know anymore.

So for all of you Back For You readers, I am doing a prequel once this or my niall fic is finished! yay! It's going to be called There For You, and I hope that you can give it a nosey when it's up!

Now, if you like this chapter, please vote/follow/comment, it means the world and more (wow cheesy...)

Love you all sweetums!

TRIGGER WARNING - Slight homophobic comment (if you squint)

“Do you think I can swap music classes?” Niall asked absentmindedly as he chewed on the tip of his yellow highlighter.

“Why?” Zayn asked, leaning back in the scratchy armchairs that surrounded a study table in the school library, kicking his legs up and resting his feet on the table around his science textbook, “We have music together.”

“Yeah I know,” Niall said without looking up from his own textbook, “But our little Harry over here doesn’t have anyone in his class that’s not an utter dickslap.” He said, ruffling Harry’s curls teasingly, swallowing miserably as Harry flinched at his touch.

Even after all of these years, Harry still couldn’t allow Niall to touch him jokingly, without consciously making himself sit still and not back away. Niall wasn’t going to lie, it hurt.

Zayn and Liam smirked from their seats at Niall’s classy insult, Harry just fiddled nervously with top button on his school shirt, “I’m alright on my own, Niall.” Harry tried to reassure Niall, but the slight flinching to his left showed the other three boys that his hallucinations were getting worse again. They recognised the fear just behind Harry’s eyes, and they all slumped slightly lower into their seat in desolation.

Niall smiled sadly, he wished ever day that Harry didn’t have to go through what he did, because it isolated him from the rest of the world. Fair enough, Harry’s condition did make it harder for him to talk to people, in fact it made it harder to even be around people. But what made the pretentious snobs that attended their school so much better than him? What sick part of their brains thought that just because Harry was different, that he was not worth knowing?

Niall, Zayn and Liam knew Harry. They knew what an amazing guy he was, and they would sometimes sit together after school, whilst Harry was at an appointment with his psychologist, and cry together, because it was so unfair.

Niall sat tapping his highlighter on the edge of the table, then dropping it into the spine of the book with a sigh, turning to face Harry properly, “Harry. I’ve been your best mate for six years now, I really don’t mind swapping music classes so you’re not on your own…”

‘He’s not swapping classes for you, he’s swapping for that pretty girl across the classroom. No-one would swap for you. No-one likes you.’

Harry visibly cringed further down into his chair, primal instincts kicking in as he tried to hide from the voices that followed him everywhere.

“I- uh- ok,” Harry stumbled through his words, pretending to read from his own science textbook but really his mind was focused on the boy in the back of the room flipping him the middle finger and miming obscene gestures – Harry really wasn’t sure if he was a hallucination or just a dickhead, “I guess we can ask…”


Harry laughed quietly as Niall bounced around behind him, hanging from his neck as the Irish boy cheered; even Harry’s laugh was awkward and slightly suppressed because his classmates didn’t feel the need to understand Harry’s condition, let alone accept it, so he tended to withdraw himself out of society even more that his illness granted him.

Lost and Insecure (Larry Stylinson AU)Where stories live. Discover now