7 - Kiss Him

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AN - so I have barely updated recently and I am sorry for that, but I have had a lot going on at home and I have a valid excuse haha.

I hope this chapter makes up for it, and I hope you like it! I worked super hard on it and it took me a good 3 1/2 to 4 hours to write so I hope it's worth it!

Also! AlwaysLarryStylinson messaged me and I just wanted to give her a promo! I personally haven't read any of her stories but I am sure they are great, so maybe have a look once you've read this chapter!

If you like this chapter then please follow me/vote/comment because each bit of support means the world and I love you guys!

PS. I'm not going to be able to write each new fan a message like I used to because I am waaaaaaaay to busy right now, so I am sorry! I am so, so, so grateful for your support though and I will leave a quick message if i have time!

PPS. I HAVE TUMBLR NOW! sluttyliam helped me set it up, and go follow me if you have tumblr too! if not just go and have a nosy ;) www.oopsloueh.tumblr.com

“Harry is that you?” Anne called out from the kitchen, Harry kicked his converse into the shoe cupboard and followed his Mum’s voice into the kitchen.

“Oh it is you!” She said, voice flooded with relief, “Where were you?”

Harry blushed as he lowered himself into a dining room chair, he propped his head up on his hand and shrugged, “Out.”

“Out…” Anne said contemplatively, “Out where, Harry?”

The thing is, Harry doesn’t usually just go out. He never just goes out, because going out means talking to people and that doesn’t mix well with Harry. Plus, if Harry does go out, it would be with Anne or Niall, and she knows he wasn’t with Niall because Niall had called asking if he could speak to Harry.

Harry paused, “With a uh, a friend.”

This it the other thing, Harry can’t usually just make friends. Schizophrenia meddles with his social awareness and he has always found it hard to talk to people, let alone new people, let alone again, going out with new people.

Anne was pleased, but confused, and she wanted to know who the special person was who was bringing Harry out of his shell, and making him slightly more human, in the nicest possible way.

 “Was it Louis, that boy you keep texting?” She asked, pleased he had made a new friend and intruiged to hear more about the peculiar boy who seems to be able to drag a sense of confidence and normalitly out of her son that medication and other people have never been able to.

“Um, yeah.” Harry replied, fiddling with a loose thread on his hoodie.

“When are you going to invite this boy round then?” Anne said excitedly, grabbing her oven mitts and pulling out a tray of roast potatoes from the oven as she spoke, “He’s important to you and I want to meet him!”

Harry blushed again, “He’s just a friend mum…”

And at that comment, Anne knew all she had to know. Having a son without too many friends, who also doesn’t talk too much, gives you the opportunity to read body language like a book, and Anne had never seen this look on Harry’s face – which told her that Louis was something special, a relationship to be treasured.

Anne laughed, “Tell that to your adorable blush, Harry.”

Harry blushed harder and covered his cheeks with his hands, “Mu-um!”

Lost and Insecure (Larry Stylinson AU)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя