6 - I Will Wait For You

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AN -  so this took me literally ages to write, and oh dear lord I hope its not a pile of crap... I have been off sick with an on-off illness i've had for about 3 months and now I'm on medication for it and let's all just hope that it hasn't ruined my brain because I just couldn't focus haha.

If you like this chapter, then please follow/vote/comment if you like, I love to hear what you think and your support means the world!

Thank you all so much for actually reading this haha, it's been a plan for so long and it feels really weird now to actually write it and aw I just hope you guys are actually enjoying this haha.

Love you all, my sweetums!

Trigger Warning - one homophobic slur

“Favourite band?”

Harry caught his bottom lip between his teeth and stared up at the sky, hoping the clouds would help him recall a band that he liked more than any other.

“Um, Nirvana?” Harry said, voice sounding more like a question as he cast his eyes back to Louis who was hanging upside down on the monkey bars, “Or The Kooks; or Rise Against; or Linkin Park; or The White Stripes; or The Rolling Stones; or-”

Louis laughed, face red from where he hung upside down, “Ok I get it, you like a lot of music!”

Harry blushed.

Great, he was acting weird and now Louis would never want to see him again.

‘He doesn’t want to see you now Harry, he just feels sorry for you.’

‘You’re pathetic, the only people who talk to you are either related to you, hired to talk to you, or pity you. You’re a pity case. You’re pathetic.’

Harry swallowed thickly and fingered the foil sheet in his back pocket; the sheet filled with the pills designed to help with his stress, anxiety and panic attacks; the familiar crinkle and smooth touch somehow soothing.

Louis noticed Harry’s frown and smiled sadly, “Don’t just stand there Harry dearest, join me!” Louis called out again, smiling brightly when Harry clambered up onto the monkey bars – rather reluctantly however, “Now, you ask me a question.” Louis said once he had righted himself, and he found himself sitting next to Harry on top of the monkey bars.

Harry crinkled his eyebrows in thought, smiling faintly when Louis giggled quietly to himself, “Um ok. Favourite…” Harry paused and tried to think, “Favourite colour?” he asked finally.

‘What a great question… Now Louis’ is gonna think you are mature and cool… You fucking waste of oxygen.’

Louis grinned, eyes lighting up the playground and coaxing a shy smile from Harry, “Easy! Red!”

Harry smiled slightly wide, mouth quirking slightly, “Me too.”

‘Needy fag. Don’t lie.’

“I’m not…” Harry whispered quietly to himself.

Louis frowned questioningly at Harry, picking up the quite mumbling amongst the soothing sigh of the wind and crackle of leaved - he clapped, “Manchester United?” He asked knowingly, winking cheekily and choosing to ignore Harry’s bout of mumbling.

“I like to think so.”

“What do you mean?” Louis asked, eyebrows frowning in confusion.

“Well I don’t really watch football that much; the commentary and my hallucinations get mixed up and I just…” Harry sighed a trailed off.

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