Fifteen: The Brother

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Alexander got out of the room, with his quick strides which were a little hard to follow. Especially when I still needed to go through my morning routine.

"Can you please relax and just take a seat, we'll go speak to him together," I spoke, poking my head out my door. He turned to face me and as soon as I thought he was going to protest, I added, "Please."

This made him exhale rather dramatically but did the job because he was back inside my room in a few strides.

I narrow my eyes at him, "What if my parents were down there?"

"They aren't, I made sure of it before I entered because unlike me you had to be on the second floor. Much harder to reach you from the window."

"Oh, but it didn't stop you when you were being Edward Cullen."

I shut my bathroom door after that, low-key shocked he didn't ask me who that was. I turned the shower on, putting my toothpaste on my toothbrush as I waited for the water to be scorching hot.

When I was finished in the bathroom, I pulled on my gown that was hanging on my door. I walked out of the bathroom to find Alexander still sat on the couch, fully engrossed in whatever was going on on that smartphone.

I walked into my closet and pulled on a pair of ripped skinny jeans, a white spaghetti top and black ankle length boots. I brushed my hair and put it up in a bun before heading out. As soon as I did Alexander got up and started walking in long-hard-to-follow strides.

"Can you slow down?" I finally asked when he was already opening the front door and I still had a few steps left.

"I can but I won't."

I locked the front door, "Is this still about Nate? You don't even know if he did anything. He –"

"Touched you, saw you in a way no man should ever see you. Any man but me."

"Ugh, can you get over yourself?" I rolled my eyes.

I shut the front door and locked it, "Well, you can go sort out your brother drama while I go speak to Isaiah. That's more important to me."

"Like hell you are, you're coming with me." He said as he opened the passenger seat door.

I shut the car door, "No, I'm not. I'm going to Isaiah."

"Stop saying his name as if you know him. I hope he's dead already." He drawled.

"What the heck?" I clicked my tongue, "I'm done speaking to you."

I turned and started walking towards the garage so I could get my car but I was stopped by Alexander's words,

"We're going to the same place just get into the car."

"Yes but I'll be leaving with Isaiah, so I need my own car but – thanks."

* * *

I stopped my car at Nathaniel's house and had started screaming out for him but I quickly remembered Alexander said Isaiah was in the dungeon. I jumped right back into my car and started driving places I had never even walked.

I mean Nathaniel's pack isn't that large, I was bound to come across the dungeon sooner or later and unfortunately for me – it was later. I had to ask some wolf for directions.

"Nate?" I yelled as soon as I saw him standing outside where the wolf had said the dungeons were.

"Mikhail Nathaniel Russo!"

"I'm a little worried that you know my first name and I didn't tell you it." He stated, looking up from his phone.

Standing before him I spoke, "I need to see Isaiah. Please."

"You're a little late, Alex's in there already," He nodded his head toward the door, "I don't really want to see what's happening in – Elijah!"

It was guarded by three muscled guards but I was beyond caring, I needed to get to that Creature before Alexander did something stupid like kill him out of rage before I could find out how he knows and cares so much about me.

"Get me in there right now! Open the damn door! Let me get in there! Let me in or I swear –"

Nate hummed, "Let her in."

"Where is he? Can you please hurry? Goddess knows what Alexander's doing to him. Why did you even let him see him? What is wrong with you?" I let out an annoyed scream.

The irritation was clear in his voice and on his face, "Why do you even care so much about him?"

"I need to know why and how he knows me."

"He's your brother," Alexander said, walking out of a cell.

My head jerked back as my eyes widen, "What? That's impossible. He can't be older than twenty-three. I think I would remember him if he were my brother."

My brother? As young as he is I should remember him, I should have seen him in an album or heard about him every day of my life from my parents. I could excuse my memory but not my parents', they could never forget a pup of theirs so how in the world would I have never heard of him from my parents?

It just doesn't make any sense.

"I just spent my time torturing him. I'm pretty sure he told me the truth."

I'm not even surprised when the word 'torture' escapes his lips, I would expect nothing else from Alexander freaking Russo. I just want to get him out of here and get to the bottom of this all.

"Get out my damn way." I walked into Isaiah's cell.

"Oh, my goddess. Isaiah, are you okay?"

I ran towards him genuinely concerned. He looked horrible, he was slumped against the wall, breathing heavily. He had dried blood all over him and around him. The fact that it was dried was a good sign. It meant that he was regenerating, so I wasn't as worried.

"Yeah." He smiled weakly.

"Good." I could ask the only question that mattered now, "Why would you lie to Alexander?"

He sighed, "Truthfully. I wanted to tell you, he just forced it out of me before I could."

"So you're saying it's true? You're my brother? Why don't I remember you then?"

"I'm offended that you don't but you were young, it would be easy to forget. I knew exactly who were you from that day I saw you with Nathaniel," He shrugs, "Maybe if Elisha sees me she'll remember?"

My brows furrow, "What the? We're basically the same person. Why would she remember you and I wouldn't?"

He lifts a weak shoulder, "Because you didn't like me. I spent more time with Elisha before I was exiled –"

"Exiled? Wait. No. Can we get out of here? We're getting out of here. C'mon."

I knew he could carry himself now because he had time to heal, so I just turned around and walked out of the cell. I had to take him home, I needed my parents to explain this all. The Vilakazi's needed a family meeting.

"I'm taking him with me," I said.

Alexander scoffed, "No you're not."

"This isn't your territory." I expected that to come out my mouth, "You can take him." Nate finished.

"Thanks. C'mon then, big brother." I giggled, "Has a nice ring to it."

My Monster Mate (Book I)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora