"Holy shit, are my parents actually home?" That never happened. "I'm gonna go check." I stomp down the stairs, knowing how much my mother hated when I did that.

"Yoongi, can you please cut that out!" I heard her voice from the kitchen and couldn't help but smile.

"Hey mom, what are you doing here?" I made my way to her.

"I felt really sick, but there's no way I'm going to the hospital. I asked if I could go home really quick to grab some medicine, which I can't seem to find!" She sighed, seeming extremely frustrated.

"Oh, so you're leaving?" I felt a frown grow on my face.

"Yeah, as soon as I get this me- hey can you help me and not just stand there?" She snapped.

"Oh, yeah, sorry." I bowed my head and began to look for the medicine with her. As we continued our search, I found it, and I quickly threw it inside an empty vase, hoping that maybe she'd stay here if she couldn't find it at all.

"Where the hell could it be? We only have one medicine cabinet."

"Maybe you should just stay home?" I asked. I could hear the self pity in my own voice. She just laughed at me.

"No way, if anything I'll just grab something over the counter at the pharmacy, actually I think that's exactly what I'm going to do." She began walking towards the door, coughing up a lung it seemed. "Lock up for me, would you?" She said, swinging the door open. I followed after her.

"Wait!" I stammered, rubbing the back of my head.

"Yes?" She turned to me, annoyance clearly visible in her eyes.

"Nevermind." I sighed, closing and locking the door once she made her way to her car.

"You okay?" Jimin questioned quietly, placing his hand on my shoulder. I nudged it off and went to grab my jacket.

"Yeah I'm fine, are you ready to go?" He nodded in response.

"Maybe they'll tell me what age you stopped peeing your pants." I grinned, trying to amp up the mood again. I slid my arms through my jacket and slipped my shoes on, Jimin doing the same.

"Oh god no, is it too late now to back out?"

"You keep asking that and each time my answer is-"

"No." We said in unison. I chuckled as I popped an earbud in, blasting one of the many rap songs I had downloaded in my phone. We left my house and began our mission to Jimin's.

"You're going to have to lead the way you know. Are you sure they're even home?"

"My pleasure." He bowed. I rolled my eyes. "And my mom should definitely be there for sure."

"Are we there yet?" I complained.

"Yoongi, we just started walking-"

"But I'm tired! You woke me up at such ungodly hours!"

"11am is ungodly to you?!"

"Yes! I need to sleep until at least 3pm on weekends."

"You're ridiculous."

"Nope, try again."

"Then you're crazy."

"Crazy for you." I winked.

"Yoongi! You're psycho."

"I am not psycho!" He laughed at me.

"Why is it that the word psycho pushes your buttons so much?"

"Because psycho is a whole different meaning compared to crazy."

"Technical are we?"

"Smartass are we?"


"Shut up. Are we there yet?"

"Actually we are."



"I hate you so much." I groaned.

"I love you too."

"I know you do."


"Are you gonna confess to me now that your secret's out?"

"What?" He started panicking and I couldn't help but laugh at him.

"I'm joking."

"I knew that."


We finally made it to Jimin's after what seemed like days but in reality was only 15 minutes. I strolled up to the front door confidently, knocking on it three times.

"Gee, aren't you nervous?" Jimin asked sarcastically. I scoffed as a reply. After a couple more seconds, I presumed that Jimin's mother was the one to answer.

"Mom." Jimin whispered to himself. My presumption was correct.

"Hello Mrs. Park." I greeted, trying to contain the nerves. I don't understand why I was so nervous but I was.

"Good afternoon. And you are?"

"Min Yoongi." I stuck my hand out to shake hers. Her confused expression quickly changed into a bemused one. She gladly accepted my hand and shook it twice.

"Ah, so you're Min Yoongi?" She grinned from ear to ear. I glanced at Jimin to see him covering his face and squatting low onto the ground.

Oh this should be interesting.


RIP af this sucks lmfao

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