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*Third POV*

"Bye Daddy!" "Bye baby see you later." The two exchanged goodbyes and then Louis ran off to meet Niall.

While he walked off, he said hi or smiled to the people he knew. He wasn't popular but he was known by a lot of people and they didn't care that he's a cross dresser.

He saw Niall waiting by his locker. "Hi Nialler" "Hi LouBear." Louis only allowed Niall to call him that. Harry didn't call him that because he didn't know the nickname but it's ok. They got into conversation and then went to class.

They went through the day and met up later again for lunch. Louis got a salad but Niall went all out. He got two slices of pizza, a sandwich, a burger, fries, and chicken tenders.

Louis always wondered how Niall can eat so much and yet still look good. Louis shrugged and just continued eating. They got into conversation about homework and other things.

It was Friday, so Louis was excited to spend his weekend with Harry. He also just wanted to take a break from school. He was part of the Student Council, they planned all the school events. Louis really wanted to go home and take a break of planning and homework.

Lunch soon ended and they were at their last class which was actually Student Council. They were planning a fall dance for October. Louis loved that class because he was so creative, he always had ideas.

They started talking and got to work on posters. Louis used different colors and made different drawing of trees and leaves.

Once the bell rang, he went straight to his locker and put his books back. He then went to Niall's locker and met him there. "Bye NiNi" "Bye Lou Lou see ya on Monday. Text bitch!" Louis giggled at Niall's choice of words.

He went outside and saw Harry's car. He climbed in and greeted his daddy. "Hi daddy!" "Hey baby. How was school." He then proceeded to drive while listening to Louis talk about the dance.

When they got home, Louis went to take a nap because he was tired and needed sleep anyway. Harry let him and decided to just do some work to let time fly.

Author's Notes
I'm not changing the story just editing the spelling and changing things that didn't make sense.

Love you guys
        .xx Daniela

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