Camping and Being ill

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"We're going camping?! Really?!"
You clapped liked an excited child, grin wide on your face.
Kaldur had just informed you that you and the rest of the team would be going camping for the weekend starting Friday.
"Wally did you hear? We're going camping!"
Wally chuckled and ruffled your hair.
"Why are you so excited? It's just camping."
Tim yawned and walked in as Cass followed him with a sleepy expression.
"Papa used to take Wally and I camping all the time!" You chirped excitedly as Wally wrapped an arm around you.
"I remember that time you accidentally knocked down a beehive."
"And the bees stung you instead."
"Or that time a bear wandered into the campsite."
"And ate your underwear instead of mine."
"You two don't have very good camping experiences, do you?" Zatanna chuckled.
"No, just Wally." You giggled as your brother huffed grumpily. "Awe, don't be grumpy Wal-bear!"
You laughed and pinched his cheeks.
"Stop it!" The ginger whined back at you as the others chuckled. "Where's Nightwing?" Barbara questioned, grabbing milk from the fridge.
"He's sick in bed. I'm gonna take care of him today." You replied happily.
Cass and Megan awed while Wally huffed.
"Stupid Grayson..."
"What was that Wallace?" You questioned back with a scarily happy smile.
Wally immediately went silent.
"That's what I thought."
"(Y/n) I don't need you to take care of me."
"Shush and eat your soup."
You tilted another spoonful of hot soup in Dick's mouth, the boy wonder glaring at you through his reddish tinted eyes.
"I'm not sick."
"Says the person who begged me to cuddle them after throwing up last night."
Dick blushed lightly, though it was hard to tell through his already heated cheeks.
"Plus, you need to get better, we're going camping in two days." You said happily, Dick smiling a bit at how cheery you looked.
"I'm doing my best sweetheart."
Your cheeks went pink at the name, smiling shyly while the raven-haired boy smirked a bit.
"What's the matter, sweetheart?"
You blushed more and hid your face in your hands.
Dick grabbed your wrist and pulled you towards him, his lips by your ear.
"You're so damn cute (Y/n), it really turns me on..."
Your face turned a cherry red as you stood quickly, snatching the bowl from Mister Grayson.
"S-soup! You need more soup!" You squeaked, running out of the room, leaving the chuckling boy-wonder behind.

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