Catching On

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"A university study shows that 50% of students have less sex when exposed too 'Blank'."
Artemis smirked and placed down the black card after reading it, the rest of you looking at your white cards for a good answer.  So far you were winning with four cards, you needed one more.  After you, Wally and Artemis were tied for second with three cards, Robin and Zatanna had two, Kaldur had one, while Connor and Megan had no cards, since they didn't understand half their cards. 
You all handed in your white card, you snickering quietly at yours while Wally was snickering at his as well. 
Artemis grinned and picked up the white cards, laughing at the sight of them.
"A university study shows that 50% of students have less sex when exposed too...Frosty the Snowman."
Megan giggled at her own card, though the rest of you were a little disturbed. 
Artemis read out five other cards:
Arnold Swartzshnegger (Connor's)
Puppies! (Wally's)
A stick (Zatanna's)
BATMAN!!! (Robin's)
And man-eating piranhas (Kaldur's). 
Artemis lifted your card, reading it in her head before falling back in a fit of laughter.  "Read it out Artemis!" Zatanna whined as Artemis took a moment to contain herself. 
She took a deep breath and sighed out with a pleased grin.
"A university study shows that 50% of students have less sex when exposed too...a defective condom."
Everyone except for Connor immediately began giggling and laughing, Artemis declaring that card the winner.  You took it with a smirk, clapping triumphantly. 
"Even without your memory of this game you still wiped the floor with us." Dick chuckled . 
There was a ding and you happily stood.  "Pizzas are ready!" You chirped and went into the kitchen, taking out the pans and deep dish, placing them on the counter and starting to cut them.  Everyone filed into the kitchen as Zatanna handed out plates.  "Thanks for the pizza sis." Wally kissed your cheek as you rolled your eyes. 
"Shush and eat it, Speedy Gonzalez."
The others snickered at the ginger's nickname from you, heading into the living room once more as you all sat down on the couches once more.
You sat next to Robin, Artemis and Wally sat together and Connor and Megan sat together while Zatanna was content sitting on the floor with Kaldur and her food. 
You all began conversing, Megan and Connor leaving after a bit (probably to make out), leaving you all to watch a movie. 
Your eyes slowly drooped in the middle of the Disney movie you'd been watching, a small smile on your lips at the thought of your new memories.

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