Telling Wally

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You woke to feel a strong arm around your waist and a pillow like figure underneath your head, your senses soon coming back enough to realize you were on the couch with a sleeping Richard Grayson.
You smiled at the realization that his strong arm was wrapped firmly around your waist, pulling you tighter against his body, and his hand was tucked under his head, his elbow becoming your pillow.
You turned in his arms slowly, his grip tightening around you with a small groan of disapproval. You chuckled quietly, tracing the outline of his lips with your forefinger carefully before cupping his face gently.
"If you want to kiss me, just do it..."
You blushed brightly and watched as a smirk spread across the male's lips, a deep chuckle coming from his throat as you hit his chest.
"I wasn't going to kiss you..."
"Too bad, I would have let you if you wanted to."
You blushed again and huffed.
"I want us to take our time, meaning no kisses until our relationship is ready."
"Yeah, yeah, I got it princess."
You blushed at the nickname, both of Dick's arms going around you and pulling you closer as his lips connected with your hairline.
"What are you doing with my sister?!"
You immediately jolted away from Robin, yelping as you fell off the couch.
"Now look what you made her do, idiot..." Robin sighed and sat up, as did you, looking at the ginger boy in irritation.
"Well I'm sorry I didn't want to wake up and find my baby sister canoodling with the likes of you!"
"And what's so bad about me?"
Robin stood in defence, making you jump up quickly and stand in between them.
"I swear, you two are the worst..." You sighed.
"I'm not a baby anymore Wally, so stop treating me like one." You huffed and faced your brother.
"But you're my baby sister, which means I have to protect you."
"You don't have to protect me from my own boyfriend!" You snapped at him, watching him fume.
"Boy-friend?" He seethed, his teeth gritted.
"Got a problem with it KF?" Dick smirked and wrapped his arms around you from behind, resting his chin on your head.
Wally was just about ready to snap, opening his mouth to shout before Artemis cut him off.
She slipped her hand into the ginger's, lacing their fingers and giving you a reassuring wink.
"We have those new recruits coming in today, right?"
Wally visibly calmed and sighed.
"Yeah we do."
"(Y/n), do you think you could go out and grab snacks for when they come?"
You nodded happily.
"I'm going with you."
You pressed a hand to Dick's chest.
"You need to be here when the recruits comes. I'll bring a tracker though if it makes you feel better." He slowly nodded as you grabbed one of said devices from the kitchen counter before heading out with a wave.

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