Emergency Call

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I waded in the water with Kaldur and Artemis, the three of us just talking about anything that came into the conversation. 
"It's nice having (Y/n), isn't it? Now we always have someone on call in headquarters when we're on missions." I felt my cheeks colour a bit and Artemis and I nodded. 
"It's better than having that piece of sheet metal talking to us." Artemis put in. 
"And she's a sight, even Connor was staring at her when Flash introduced her."
I felt jealousy bubble inside me.  I shouldn't have, Connor was with Megan, and he wouldn't hurt Little Miss Green, but I still didn't like the thought of him looking at (Y/n). 
"Looks like someone's jealous."
I didn't even have to look at Artemis to know she was smirking.  I glared at her slightly.
"I think it's safe to say Mister tough may have some feelings for our little newbie." The blonde said, her smirk growing.  I huffed.  "And what if I do?"
Kaldur and Artemis chuckled (Artemis snickered more than anything in reality).  "It means nothing to us, to her brother though, that might be a different story."
I glanced over to the other teen splashing around with Connor, Megan and Zatanna.  I heaved in a deep sigh.  "It also matters on whether or not she likes me." I looked at my lap as Artemis burst into a fit of laughter.  I stared at her confused with a glare.  "What's your problem?"
"If you don't think (Y/n) likes you then you need some serious medical attention."
The glare was gone and now I was staring at her confused.  Artemis gave me a look with her eyebrow cocked up.
  "Are you serious? Jeez, you need to get your eyes checked dude."
I sighed and looked towards shore after hearing a ring come from the emergency phone.  My eyes widened and I looked at the other two before we all rushed to shore.  The other four who'd been playing in the water weren't far behind us. 
Kaldur snatched the phone and put it on speaker. 
I heard Megan gasp at (Y/n)'s panicked and weak voice.  "(Y/n), what's happening, where are you?" Kaldur asked calmly. 
For once I was glad he was talking to (Y/n) and I wasn't.  I wouldn't have been able to stay calm hearing her like this. 
There was raspy breathing from the other end. 
"Th-they're inside...w-wrecking e...e-everything...h-help..."
Artemis took my hand, trying to calm me.  I didn't even realize I'd been shaking. 
"I-I'm hiding behind...b-behind the computer desks...p...p-please..."
"Stay where you are (Y/n), we'll be there soon.  Don't make a sound.  Everything will be okay." 
I heard (Y/n)'s shaky voice give a 'yes' in response before a quiet, and heartbreaking, sob followed. 
We quickly started getting ready to leave, keeping (Y/n) on the phone.  I could hear her whispering little prayers in between nearly silent sobs.  I felt weak.  She was terrified. And I wasn't there to help.
The line suddenly when silent for a moment as the whooshing sound of the computer lab doors opened.  There was hushed whispering before a loud cackle. 
"Joker..." Zatanna whispered to us, but making sure it wouldn't be heard over the line.
(Y/n)'s scream caught us all off guard before a loud explosion sounded, and all we could hear was static with a low ringing after that.

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