Other side

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I ran down the hallways with the others of the abandoned power plant building, Wally zooming around us as he checked all the unlocked rooms of the building.
"She has to be in the room at the end, all the others are empty!" He called to us. We all nodded firmly, our feet hitting the ground faster and our legs feeling weak from the fear for our friend.
I held back the tears as we skidded to a stop.
I took out my little decoding device and stuck it to the computer, growling since it was heavily guarded.
"What's taking so long?" Wally snapped at me.
"They took extra precautions this time, I don't know how long it will take!"
"We don't have time for this Dick (Y/n) could be dying in there!"
"DON'T YOU THINK I KNOW THAT?!" I shouted back at him, face red and holding back tears.
"Shut up and listen!" Artemis hissed at us.
Wally and I glared at each other before pressing our ears to the large metal doors. Might as well, who knows how long it would take to actually get inside.
My eyes widened when I heard (Y/n)'s voice, along with Joker's and Ivy's.
"And what about your brother, Mister Kid Flash?"
"He's abusive, he'd be more than happy if I died, hell, he'd throw a party if I was dead!"
Our heads whipped over to look at a shocked Wally.
"That's a lie! I swear to god I would never even think of hurting my sister!" The ginger snapped at us, his shoulders slumped in disbelief that (Y/n) had told the criminals that kind of lie. We hesitantly nodded and went back to listening.
The computer was halfway completed with decoding.
My heart raced when I heard Ivy speak.
"And that Robin boy? We thought you two were more than just a little close."
I heard Ivy giggle, but (Y/n) was silent for a moment.
"A stupid crush."
I could practically hear my heart breaking.
"I'd rather be dead than to suffer being around that oblivious idiot."
My head spun.
Is that really what she thought about me?
I stumbled back, unable to listen to the rest.
I saw my face pop up on the computer screen, hearing loud ringing before realizing it was (Y/n) screaming. My heart shattered and my chest felt tight.
"Come on Dick!" Artemis shouted at me.
I snapped out of my daze, pressing down on the 'OPEN' button as the doors swished open.
I ran in past everyone, even Wally.
"There are bombs! Grab her and get out!" Kaldur shouted.
I scooped up screaming and crying (Y/n), taking out my grappling hook and getting it to stick to the next building over. We flew up out of the opened ceiling, and landed on the rooftop of the building.
I winced when (Y/n) clawed at my face in fear, feeling little blood droplets form on my cheek.
I sat her down and gripped her wrists, her eyes clouded with tears and uncertainty.
My expression dropped and I let her hands go as she stopped screaming, heavy breaths escaping her lips.
She wasn't herself.
I saw the others coming up towards the building and got out my G-hook again, disappearing into the night.

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