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"Oh my god Night, stop!"
You laughed as Dick spun you around crazily, laughing as you hid your face with your hand.
"I'm getting dizzy!" You squealed as he finally stopped and pulled you into his chest, laughing happily as he held you close.
Dick planted a kiss on your head, the others dancing around you as well.
"Happy birthday babe."
You smiled, Artemis announcing it was cake time.
Everyone pulled away from their partners and filed into the kitchen, a very neatly done cake sat on the counter.
It was a (f/flavour) ice cream cake with (f/c) icing around the edges and middle, glazing in the middle spelling out 'Happy Birthday (Y/n)!'
You smiled and looked at everyone, holding back tears again. "Don't cry again, it's unsettling..." Connor grumbled and you chuckled, smiling.
"Thanks Connor." You snickered as Megan placed candles on it, Zatanna lighting them magically.
Dick took your hand and kissed your cheek.
"Make a wish babe."
You nodded and closed your eyes before blowing out the candles, no flame remaining.
Everyone cheered happily and clapped, starting to sing as Artemis cut the cake.
She handed you a piece and you smiled as Dick hugged you from behind.
"What was your wish babe?"
You turned back slightly to look at him, smirking a bit.
"This..." You mumbled, leaning in slightly.
His cheeks went pink but waited, yelping in surprise as you smooshed your piece of cake into his face.
Everyone burst in laughter, as well as Dick, you wiping the icing off his lips before sucking it off your finger.
"I'll get you back for this (Y/n)." Dick snickered, wiping the icing from his face.
"I'd like to see you try Grayson." You smirked, tapping his nose while everyone began eating their cake (you got another piece of course).

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