The beginning of a new life

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I am 18 years old and I am moving from my parents house in a week. I am scared to go to LA and live by my self for the first time. I am not exactly going to live by myself, I have my friend Frank moving in with me but still we are going to this small area in LA that is really small and far away from the centre. We were both accepted in this same University and we are studying Art.
I met Frank two years ago at school but he are not that close. Because we got in the same University we decided it would be better if we lived together.

(1 month later)

I finally rented a room with Frank. It's 50 minutes away from the University and it is a long way since we have to walk there. But at least I would be in great shape by the end of the year.
The house where we rented the room was really nice and we had 3 other people living there with us, though most of the times we would not see them because they were always in their rooms.
I have to get up early so I better go to bed, it's almost 1 am.

My alarm goes off and I get up and go to the bathroom for a quick shower. When I was back to my room, after putting some clothes on, I woke up Frank and ran downstairs to make some coffee. All of the sudden I see someone waking to the kitchen.
"Hey, I am James" Says a guy that seems to be like 35 years old.
"Hi! I am Ally, I don't think I have seen you here, how are you?" I said smiling to him.
"I am fine, thanks. I usually get up really early to go to work so it's unlikely we will see each other that often. I get home about 5 pm, but I usually go to my room."
"Well maybe we will see each other more often from now on"
"Yes I hope so!" He said smiling. He seemed really nice, that made me happy. It was harder than I thought to live away from all my friends and family.
"So where is your boyfriend?" He asked making me wake up from my thoughts.
"Sorry?" I asked not really understanding what he was talking about.
"Your boyfriend. Did you not move in with him?"
"Oh, you are talking about Frank! No he is not my boyfriend, we are just friends, he is upstairs getting ready" I tried to smile but I hate when people assume everyone in this planet is straight.

Hey everyone, I hope you like this story. It's my first one so I really want to know your opinions, so leave me some comments please!
Thanks for reading,


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