Man down

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I woke up early this morning. Chibs was already up and downstairs. I got showered and ready for the day and headed downstairs. I made my way downstairs to find chibs at the table drinking coffee. I leaned down and kissed him before getting a cup of my own.  

"you my ole lady now" he asked.

"mmm dreams do come true" I smirked.

"thank you love, for forgiving me" he said.

"lets forget about the bad shit" I smiled.

"deal" he said.

We finished our coffee and headed to TM for the day. Mom was already there and working. I parked and walked up to her and hugged her.

"howd last night go" she asked.

"chibs and I are together" I said.

"so it went well" she smiled.

"definitely" I laughed.

"good" she said.

"happy leave for a while" I asked.

"im not sure whats going on, happy is in the clubhouse with jax right now they were talking when I first got here" she said.

"im going to find out, something is getting done about last night" I said heading towards the clubhouse.

I stepped inside to see opie hit happy. I froze in my spot and watched.

"tay you should go" sam said.

"no she should stay" jax said.

I walked over to where they were standing. I looked up at happy and he looked right through me.

"what going on" I asked jax.

"figured we would see him off" he replied.

"your leaving" I asked happy.

"presidents orders, going to clear my head" he said.

"good, you need it" I said.

"yea, your ole man pushed for it as well" he said.

"you told them" I asked chibs.

"yes" chibs said.

"we approve" jax said.

"oh yea" I smirked.

"yea" jax laughed.

I walked over to chibs and kissed him softly.

"I have work to do boys" I said.

"legit or illegal" juice asked.

"legit unlike you fucks" I laughed.

"ill stop by in a bit" chibs said.

"alright" I smiled.

I headed for the door.

"tay" hap called.

"yea" I asked.

"I am sorry, I was drinking a lot last night" he said.

"were good, go enjoy your vacation" I said.

"ill always love you princess, you and our baby" he said.

It stung my heart a bit but I walked out without another word. I went to TM and worked for a while until chibs showed up.

"bought time a real man stepped up" mom said.

"I fucked up to, im just lucky" chibs said.

"hey" I smiled to him.

"hey princess, how you feeling" he aksed.

Happy.::SAMCRO PRINCESS::.ChibsWhere stories live. Discover now