The Bet

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I woke up later than I should have. I rolled over to see chibs still asleep. I shook him lightly. He opened his eyes and smiled at me. I leaned in and kissed him.  

"were running late" I said.

"shit, lets go love" he said.

We got up and got dressed. We headed out after getting completely ready. I got to the clubhouse parking lot and got out of the truck. TM was closed today, mom needed a day to herself apparently. I jumped on chibs' back and let him carry me into the clubhouse. Once inside we noticed everyone was here. Kozik came over to us and I jumped off chibs' back. Kozik hugged me and then stepped back.

"how are you" kozik asked.

"im good" I smiled.

"awesome, I guess your moms on her way over, she made a big lunch at home, her and lyla and tara are headed over now, the rest of the families are on their way too" kozik said.

"is there a reason" I asked.

"I hear there is some news" he said.

"who knows" I said.

"hey sis" jax said walking up.

I smiled up at him and hugged him.

"mom ok" I asked.

"yea shes just over being stuck in the office" he said.

"whats the luncheon for" I asked.

"I guess from what I overheard opie and lyla have some news" he said.

"baby or wedding" I asked.

"my bets on baby" jax chuckled.

"I call wedding, and I bet you $100" I said.

"alright deal" jax smiled.

"are you fuckin betting on me" opie yelled from behind us.

Jax and I both turned around. Opie smirked.

"I get half of the winners earnings" opie laughed.

"deal" I laughed.

"so who wins" jax asked with a smirk.

"guess youll have to wait and see prez" op laughed.

"so whats with you and chibs" jax asked me as op put his arm around my shoulders.

"I don't know, he said when the time is right we will know, but the time isn't right at the moment" I said.

"I get that shit" op said.

"happy still workin on ya" jax asked.

"said he wants to be friends I told him he has to earn that, he asked if we could be civil, I left him hanging" I said.

"don't buy into his shit again tay" jax said.

"im not, thanks though" I laughed.

I turned around to see kerri and sam coming in. I slipped out of opies arm and walked over hugging kerri. She wrapped her arms around me tight. I kissed her forehead.

"hows everything" I asked.

"good" sam smiled hugging me.

"you good" I asked kerri.

"yes, im good" she smiled.

"your da is over there with tig" I pointed across the room.

When I looked up I noticed chibs was watching us already, I locked eyes with him and he smiled softly towards me. I winked at him which he returned.

Happy.::SAMCRO PRINCESS::.ChibsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora