Conquering blow-back

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"tay" happys raspy voice filled my ears.  

"hmm" I moaned.

"we gotta go, you've got work at TM today" he said.

"shit" I said jumping up and getting in the shower.

I was mid shower when happy came in and joined me. As I was rinsing off he was leaving kisses all the way down my body. I giggled as he began to taste me.

"I love eating breakfast" he said jokingly.

"I bet you do" I smiled.

"your my favorite meal of the day" he said with a smirk standing before me.

"and your my favorite injection" I smiled.

He kissed me hard and lifted me onto him. He started pumping as I grasped his back. I dug my nails in deep as he groaned loudly releasing himself. I felt his fingers digging into my hips. I kissed him hard. We finished showering and got out. I dressed in a pair of holy jeans and a long sleeve grey shirt with an open back. I slipped on my docs and did my hair and makeup. I walked into my room to see happy wearing his usual loose jeans and belt with boots and his white samcro shirt with his cut. I grabbed his cut and pulled him down to me placing a kiss on his lips.

"im probably gonna be gone most of today" he said.

"I figured" I said.

"keep your gun on you" he said.

"I will" I smiled.

"lets get you to the clubhouse" he slapped my ass as we headed downstairs.

I grabbed my bag and headed out to my truck. Once at the clubhouse we parked and I got out. Happy met me in the middle of the lot.

"I don't know who will be with you tonight, but if its not me im going to stop by" he said.

"alright" I said.

"I left my bag at your house" he said.

"so its not to see me, just to collect your shit" I asked.

"I left it on purpose" he said.

"whos attached" I asked.

"I already admitted it, don't start" he said.

"I think I might want more in the near future" I said.

"yea" he asked.

"its up to you though" I said.

"how about tonight we talk and figure shit out" he said with his eyes softening a bit.

"sounds good, you bring food" I winked and headed for TM.

"just make sure you have beer" he said and headed to the clubhouse.

I walked into the office.

"what was that about" mom asked from her position at the window.

"talking about the job we did last night" I said.

"jax told me, how was it" she asked.

"I actually had fun" I laughed.

"your just as dark as happy" she laughed.

"gee thanks mom" I laughed.

"go get us some coffee from the clubhouse" she said.

"fine" I laughed putting my bag down and walking out.

I saw the sheriff car pull in while I was headed over. Unser stepped out, I havent seen him in forever. He walked over and hugged me.

Happy.::SAMCRO PRINCESS::.ChibsWhere stories live. Discover now