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I woke up early this morning but alone. I got up and got showered and ready for the day. I surprised that im around three months along and am completely not showing at all. I finished getting ready and headed downstairs. Happy was in the kitchen putting pancakes on plates. I sat down with him and we ate together. He kissed me softly.

"I love you princess" he said.

"I love you too" I smiled.

We finished up and cleaned out mess. Kerri came out after a while and she smiled to me.

"im calling the school today, gonna have it set up so you can finish your schooling here at home so you can still graduate" I said.

"I appreciate that" she said.

"any ideas for your future" I asked.

"sam is buying a house, im going to live with him and do some online college for a bit" she said.

"alright" I said.

Happy and I headed out and got on his bike. As we headed out sam pulled in. we drove to TM and parked in the lot. I realized that everyone's eyes were on us. I got off the bike and happy walked with me over to the shop. I stepped inside and turned to him.

"ill be here today, gotta go over some shit with Jax and then ill be in the shop" he said.

"alright" I smiled.

"I love you" he said putting his hands on my hips.

"I love you hap" I said and kissed him softly.

"save that shit for your bedroom" mom laughed from behind us.

"morning gemma" happy smiled.

"morning hap, glad to see you two worked your shit out" she said.

"me too" happy smiled.

"so what you think about kerri being pregnant by sam" mom asked happy.

"as long as he handles it like a man and she doesn't give up on her goals im alright" happy replied.

"I agree with you" she said.

"anyways, run off to your boys, they are all watching you" I smirked.

"bye baby" he said kissing me one last time and leaving.

I stood in the doorway watching happy walk away. I turned and looked at mom who had a smirk on her mouth.

"what" I asked.

"what happened to hating him" she asked.

"I cant hate him, mom why the fuck do I love him so much" I sighed sitting on the couch.

"because you gave him all of you babygirl, and he did the same with you, its crazy that hes so hung up on you" she smiled.

I smiled and started working a bit. After a while happy was in the shop with juice working. I walked out and took happy a beer out of the office.

"baby I don't want a beer, im not drinking today" he said.

"ok, here juice" I said tossing him the beer.

"thanks" juice said.

"your welcome" I said.

He drank some of the beer and kept watching me. Happy was messing with a bike while I stood behind him watching.

"juice" happy said.

"yea" juice replied looking up at him.

"I know what happened, don't give me a reason to retaliate" hap said.

Happy.::SAMCRO PRINCESS::.ChibsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora