unchartered territory

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I woke up to fighting. I heard yelling and crashing. I got up and walked out of the room in time to see juice thrown against a wall and happy on him hitting him.

"happy stop" I yelled pushing happy back.  

Happy looked up at me and stormed off.

"what the hell" I asked juice helping him up.

"I was looking for you because you were gone, I knocked on his door he got up and opened the door, I asked if you were with him he said yea why wouldn't you be and I said because you were sleeping in my bed when I got in last night and he hit me, I don't think he remembers last night" he said.

"ill talk to him" I said.

"alright, you ok" he asked.

"yea, juice, remember everything from last night stays with last night" I said.

"yea I know" he said walking in his room.

I walked out to the bar and didn't see happy anywhere. I walked out to the parking lot, his bike was parked but I didn't see him anywhere. I went to walk towards TM until I heard something from the opposite side of the building. I walked past the boxing ring and around the corner to see happy. He and a rainbow haired girl were up against the wall, she was on her knees with her mouth full of him. I stepped back and tripped falling down on my ass. I was pushing back as happys eyes fell on me. He didn't stop the girl or anything just stared at me while she continued. I got up and walked off. I went inside and walked up to sam.

"take me home" I said.

"can kerri stay with me" he asked.

"yea you guys can stay here or at my house, I wont be there" I said.

"um ok is everything ok" he asked.

"yea, lets go" I said.

I walked out the door as happy and the girl were headed to the lot. The girl had her arm around happy. I passed them and walked over to sam's bike. I waited for sam to finish talking to happy then we headed out. Once at my house I got off the bike and went inside. I packed a bag and got ready to leave. I showered and got dressed in jeans and a long sleeve shirt. I got on my docs and grabbed my bag. I walked out the front door to see happy leaned against his bike in the driveway blocking my truck. I put my bag in the passenger seat and got in the driver seat. He walked over to the driver side and knocked on the window. I rolled it down and looked at him with a large amount of attitude.

"were not together remember, why are you so pissed" he asked.

"I think I made a mistake" I said.

"with me" he asked.

"fucking juice" I said.

"you what" he roared.

"were not together remember, why are you so pissed" I asked.

I jerked my door open and jerked me out of the truck.

"ouch happy your hurting my fucking arm" I said.

He shoved me to the house and inside. He threw me on the couch and stood over me.

"you fucked juice" he asked.

"you got a blow job from the fuckin pride rainbow" I said with a smirk.

"yea I did, I woke up to juice telling me youd fell asleep in his bed last night I was pissed" he said.

"you knew I was in there, you said good night to me and that we would talk tonight" I said.

"how was he" he smirked.

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