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I sat up in bed and looked around. Kozik was gone. I walked into kerris room, she was gone. I walked out into the clubhouse. Kozik and kerri were side by side eating eggs. I sat next to them.  

"hes funny tay" kerri said.

"yea hes a clown" I laughed.

"thanks babe" kozik smiled.

"why do you call her babe" kerri asked curious.

"we dated when I was 17" I said.

"oh, does anyone know" she asked.

"no, and they cant. Tig and kozik were best friends back then, kozik was the hot older dude with a motorcycle" I laughed.

"like how I see sam" kerri asked.

"pardon me" I asked looking at her.

She looked at me and looked away then looked down.

"are you seeing sam" I asked.

"hes not much older than me tay hes only 21" she said.

"why didn't you tell me" I asked.

"I was scared, I want to go to college and I don't want you thinking ill stay for him, because im not. And he knows that" she said.

"honey I want you happy, whether that's dating a patch and staying in charming or going to college, id rather see you in college though" I laughed.

"were gonna have a long distance relationship" she said.

"you know ill be talking to him when we get back right" I asked.

"yes" she smiled.

"alright" I smiled.

We finished eating and I made the decision to head back today. Kozik was joining us. After showering and getting ready for the day we headed out. It took fuckin forever to get back to charming. We parked in the clubhouse parking lot. The first person to approach me was jarry.

"ima has been handled, self defense I have your statement its been approved and dismissed" she said.

"my statement" I asked.

"yea and my testimony that she stabbed you and you shot her, self defense, she was trying to kill you" she said.

"howd you get my statement" I asked.

"I wrote it and forged it hope you don't mind" she said.

"your good, I appreciate it, I know I don't deserve your charity" I said.

"I did it for chibs, im sorry for my behavior" she said.

"no problem" I said.

"happy is inside with jax" she said.

"thanks" I said.

I left kerri outside with chibs and walked inside. Happy was at a table with jax, happys back was to me.

"where the fuck were you" jax asked standing up.

Happy shot up and faced me. Kozik walked in and stepped next to me.

"you told tig she wasn't in Tacoma" jax said.

"I told tig" I said.

"you fuckin lied" jax asked tig.

"she threatened me" tig said.

"the only reason im letting that slide is because I know she was safe with kozik" jax said.

Happy.::SAMCRO PRINCESS::.ChibsWhere stories live. Discover now