Talking it out

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I woke up early and got showered and dressed. My head is completely pounding. I got a cup of coffee and drove over to TM. I parked and went into the clubhouse. Mom was sat at the bar drinking a cup of coffee with jax. I got another cup of coffee and headed back to chibs' room. I knocked on the door and heard him grumble. I walked in and shut the door. I sat on the edge of the bed and put the coffee on the side table.  

I nudged chibs and watched him stretch. When his eyes landed on me I could see he was angry and felt betrayed.

"your right" I said.

"what" he asked.

"I did go see happy but not for the reasons your thinking" I said.

"you said it was jax's call" he said.

"and that was true" I said.

"yer gonna have to be honest with me love" he said sitting up.

"no one else can know" I said.

"alright" he said.

"happy got shot, tara sewed him up and I finished bandaging him while she went home, I was going to call a cab before jax showed up, last night his aunt called because she couldn't get his wound to stop bleeding, I went out there and rebandaged it and jumped his ass about resting" I said.

"guess I owe you an apology" he said.

"except you don't" I said.

"why not" he asked.

"because last night I faltered, I was pissed and aggravated with you and I got caught up in my own head" I said.

"well don't beat yourself up" he sighed.

"you seem oddly calm" I said.

"I uh slept with a croweater last night love" he said.

"I see, well I have to work so, I will see you a little later" I smiled.

"im sorry" he said.

"you don't owe me an apology" I said.

"looks like we both fucked up" he chuckled.

"maybe" I said walking out.

I stopped at mom and jax and kissed both their cheeks.

"you alright" jax asked.

"im good" I said.

"working this morning" he asked.

"yea, you coming mom" I asked.

"ill be out in a moment" she smiled.

I headed out and over to the shop. I sat in front of the computer and got started. I received a text.

Happy: hey beautiful, my aunt is going to lodi for the day, would you mind stopping by after lunch to change my bandange?

Tay: sure, unless you would rather tara do it.

Happy: id rather see you.

Tay: ill see you then.

I continued working after being joined by mom. We completed a good bit of work. Around 12:30pm chibs came over and requested a moment with me. I walked outside to him.

"hey I uh wanted to apologize for this morning, I was slightly hung over" he said.

"its fine, listen I was getting ready to leave" I said stepping backwards away from him.

"we should talk" he said.

"I don't know what to say, and its obvious that you don't either" I said.

Happy.::SAMCRO PRINCESS::.ChibsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant