Make a statement: The birth of the Tiara

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I woke up before happy this morning. I got showered and ready for the day. I went downstairs and got a cup of coffee. While drinking it I cleaned up the Chinese mess from the night before. After I finished I wrote a note and left it on the counter. It read:  


Im already at work. Ill talk to you soon.


I grabbed my bag and got in my truck and left. I parked at TM and went inside. I was the first one in. I put my purse on the couch and started filing papers. An hour later my mom came in.

"your never here before me" she said.

"I didn't sleep well" I said.

"oh, ok. Everything ok" she asked.

"yea, im fine" I smiled.

"alright" she smiled and started working.

After another hour or so I heard bikes. I glanced up and saw happy pull in as well as juice. I kept working.

"gemma, can you give us a minute" happy asked walking into the office.

"sure" she said walking out and closing the door.

"why didn't you wake me up" he asked.

"figured you needed your sleep" I said.

"I don't know whats going on with you" he said.

"nothing, I couldn't sleep so I came in early and im working" I said.

"you fuckin cold shouldered me last night" he said.

"I just realized some shit hap, I gotta work through it" I said.

"realized what" he asked leaning against the wall.

"that this, is exactly what I thought it was" I said pointing between us.

"and whats that" he asked.

"just sex" I said.

"is that about last night, what I want" he asked.

"yea, and your reply happy, me on your dick" I sighed running my hand over my face.

"what do you want, a fuckin ring" he asked.

"no, I don't, I just want you to fuckin open up even a bit" I said.

"I have, I fuckin told you I was attached, what do I have to do, I know you don't want to be a fuckin ole lady" he said.

"or so I thought" I sighed.

"what" he asked staring at me.

"I never fuckin wanted any part of this, the club, the fuckin members, the fuckin status, I hate that I like you as much as I do because I know what the fuck you guys do, it wouldn't surprise me if you've been fucking crow eaters and diosa whores, that's what you guys do" I said.

"I haven't fucked anyone, I haven't even gotten a fuckin blow job from any of them, I told you id go to you and that's what the fuck I did" he said.

"well now you don't have to" I sighed.

"are you fuckin serious" he asked.

"yea, ill tell jax I called everything off, youll be good to go" I said softly.

"fuckin great" he said punching the wall.

I watched him walk out the door and slam it. I sat on the couch and put my face in my hands. I cried for a few minutes then fixed my makeup. Mom came in and wrapped her arms around my shoulders.

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