Chapter 38

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Dicks POV

I was in my room about to head down to the Batcave for patrol tonight.
Oh man. I hope Ocelot is out tonight. She left the cave today after managing to persuade us all that she's fit enough to leave.
As I was leaving I just happened to look out my window...
To see a figure, running out across the lawn towards the outside walls. It climbed up the wall and disappeared on the other side.

My eyes widened and I quickly ran out of my room and burst into Katie's.
Katie was gone. What the hell was she doing? Where did she go!
I ran down to the Batcave.

"Bruce!" I called out. "Hey Bruce."

"Yeah." I heard him call out.

I ran over to the batcomputer and him sitting in front of it, typing a bunch of things.

"Hey. I think Katie just ran away." I said.

"Yeah. I saw her on the security camera." Bruce pointed to a screen that showed a bunch of security footage.

"Well where do you think she's going?"

"I don't know. Go follow her. I'll join you later tonight. I've got some things to finish up." Bruce said continuing to type on the computer like he didn't even care that Katie just ran away.

She couldn't have gotten far on foot. So I quickly changed into my Robin costume and got on my motorcycle and rode out of the cave. I then turned down an exit that was near Wayne Manor.
I rode until I saw the faint silhouette of someone walking in the distance. Luckily my bike was silent, built for stealth, or she would have heard me from a mile away. I kept riding until I was about a hundred metres from her then decided to ditch the bike and follow her on foot.
I followed her all the way into the Gotham and started following her from the rooftops while she was on the streets. She then turned down an alley.

"Katie where the hell are you going" I whispered to myself.

I followed her into the alley where she then turned down into another one that lead into a wall.

"Oh right. The wall. Why is she coming back here?"

I saw her crawl through the little hole in the wall and disappear from sight.
And I almost died when I saw who came out of the hole.

It was Ocelot.

Katie was Ocelot.

I had to sit down.
It suddenly all made so much sense.
Why she wasn't in Gotham all this time.
Because she was recovering at Mount Justice.
She said she left Gotham and went to a small town for a few days. That small town was Happy Harbour.
Why the assassin Skull kidnapped Ocelot. He found out she was Katie.
Even back when I took her books for her when she had a sore stomach.
That sore stomach was caused by her getting punched by Bane.
Katie lied about the dog teddy. She hadn't had it for years. It was the one I gave to Ocelot.
And why I was so attracted to Ocelot and Katie.
They were the exact same person. I fell in love with the same girl twice without even knowing it.

I slapped my hands on my face and fell to the ground.

"Oh Robin. The clues were so obvious. Batman figured it out and he hasn't spent nearly as much time with her as you have. Your meant to be a detective and you couldn't even figure out your two crushes were the same girl!" I said rubbing my temples and starting to think. "Should I tell her I know who she is."

Suddenly a mischievous grin formed on my face.

No. Let's have some fun with this. Every time I talk to her I'll give her subtle clues and see if she figures out that I know who she is.
Oh this will be fun. I wonder how long it will take her to figure it out.

"Hey Rob. What are you doing up here?" Ocelot asked storing down next to me.

I snapped out of all my thoughts and looked at Katie. I mean Ocelot. And I couldn't contain my grin.

"Just thinking about stuff" I answered.

"Really. what sort of stuff?" She said walking up and sitting really close to me.

"Oh nothing. Oh hey. You're to late to pay back Grayson. They already found Katie Simmons." I said looking straight at her.

Her eyes widened a little. "Oh. Um. Damn it. I guess." She said staring straight back into my eyes.

I grinned even more.

"Yeah apparently she was in another town or something. I don't know. Just another person that went missing I guess. Happens everyday."

"Yeah. Yeah it does." She said looking away from me. "Hey um. So how's the team doing without me in the med bay."

She's trying to change the subject. She is obviously uncomfortable talking about Katie. Or should I say about herself.

"Ocelot. You were gone for a few hours. I'm sure they're doing fine."

"Oh. Ok. Anything new about the doomsday device?"

"No. Batman hasn't found anything on that yet. But he's working on it."

"Hmm. Alright. I guess Batmans on it so something will come up."

"Hey don't worry" I said wrapping my arm around her and pulling her close to me. "We'll get them. Gotham will be safe. I promise." I then kissed her on the check.

Ocelot smiled. "You have no idea
If you can keep that promise or not."
And then kissed me little closer to the mouth.

"Hey so are we gonna go fight crime or not?" She asked.

I stood up and held out my hand. She took it and I lifted her up. But pulled her into a hug and pressed my lips into hers.

"Alright. Let's go." I said breaking the kiss and running off.

The Hero and The Villain (a young justice fanfic)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu