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please excuse any grammar issues, I ran spellcheck and proof read but I'm sure I didn't catch every mistake. Thanks and enjoy!

Charming, California. I drove past the sign with a loud sigh. Ive been out of town for nearly two years I have no fucking clue why I would come back. Perhaps because my brother has now had his second child and I haven't even met the first. Im a horrible aunt. My name is Tara Ashlee Teller, everyone calls me Tay. My brother Jax Teller is President of Samcro motorcycle club in Charming. My entire family lives here its crazy to think I left. Technically I left to go to college so its not entirely unjustified. I completed school and have a degree in Paralegal which is very handy, just ask my mom who constantly calls me asking me how something can effect the club legally. I found while I was away that I am too damn much like my family to live away from them, I got arrested for assault after some bitch slapped me and I threw her to the ground and proceeded to beat the hell out of her. So now I am looking at Charming as my fresh start.

I park outside my mothers house, she decided that since I was back today that they would hold a huge family dinner. Family includes the club, they are our family. Most of the club I have known since I was a little kid. I got out of my 2016 escalade and headed to the door. I walked in without knocking. I saw my mom and Tara, Jax's girlfriend running back and forth in the kitchen getting food prepared.

"don't stop on my account" I said crossing my arms at the door since they didn't notice I came in.

"my babygirl" mom cooed at me pulling me into a hug.

"hi mom" I said kissing her cheek.

After squeezing me half to death my mom let go and went back to cooking, tara replaced her wrapping her arms around me and hugging me tight.

"I missed you" she smiled.

"same here" I said softly.

She pulled away and started helping my mom again. I put my phone in my pocket and started helping my mom and tara. It was getting late and we had just finished cooking when Jax walked through the door followed by the club. Jax attacked me with a hug as soon as he saw me.

"whats up baby sis" he smiled.

"whats up president" I smiled touching his patch.

"how long are you here" he asked.

"permanently" I smiled.

"bout damn time" chibs said hugging me from behind.

"hello my love" I said turning to hug chibs tight.

"missed you too much love" he smiled.

"hey I need to squeeze in here" tig said

"tiggy babe" I said jumping up in his arms.

"my princess" he said kissing my cheek and putting me back on my feet.

After talking to those two for a bit I walked into the dining area and spotted bobby and juice. I walked over and stepped in between both of them and put my arms around their necks.

"well hells bells, I heard your crazy ass was back" bobby smiled kissing my cheek.

"crazy, how dare you" I smiled.

"your not gonna beat anyone down and get arrested are you" juice asked.

"you fucker" I laughed hugging him.

"how are you" he asked.

"im good, you" I asked.

"im good" he smiled.

Happy.::SAMCRO PRINCESS::.ChibsWhere stories live. Discover now