The Search for Percy

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Annabeth's POV

I woke up with determination to bring Percy back to me. I will stop mopong around and actually do something. I took a bath and put on my clothes and went to the dining hall with a sort of angry face. I threw some food into the fire as offering 'Mom, I know you hate Poseidon, but please help me find Percy. Please. I love you mom.' I prayed and went to my cabin's table and ate. After finishing, I told Chiron about my plan to bring Percy back. He thought about it, and of course he agreed. He can't resist his children. Hihihihi. I rounded up a few campers. (Btw Jason, Leo and Piper have been there like since they were 13 or something. So they know Annabeth) I chose Clarisse La Rue, Jason Grace, Piper Mclean, Leo Valdez, and of course Tyson. I mean, he needs to meet his brother. I explained the plan to them.

"Okay so I was thinking that the Hephaestus cabin, including Leo, will make a ship. I know that was your dream Leo, so you take care of that. And we have to search 300 miles North from CHB, according to Poseidon and my dream. I don't know how we'll get there but flight could do the trick. So Leo make your ship fly. We can all help with the ship to speed things up a bit. Okay? Okay let's start the boat." I said with confidence. They looked determined to help me too. They scattered around to get the materials needed for the boat which was, surprisingly assigned by Leo. Leo went to the forest for who-knows-what reason. At about 6o'clock Leo came back flying, WITH A FRIGGIN BRONZE DRAGON. Which he named Festus apparently. He connected the dragon to the mast which can allow it to control the ship too.


Finished! That looks amazing! The Argo 2 is up and ready to go! We boarded the ship with some luggage and got ready for take off.

"5...4...3...2...1...BLAST OFF" guess who said that? (Leo) We floated up and went in top speed North. I think we were going like 100m/hr. At this rate our faces will be blasted off and we will get there in 3 hours. But thankfully Leo lowered down the speed and all our faces are numb. Yay! Note the sarcasm. After a few minutes we were able to feel our faces, and thankfully , Leo put it on autopilot, giving us the chance to kill him. Excuse me, I have some murdering to do :).

=======LINE BREAK======

After a few minutes we all went to our bunks and Leo ran to his and locked it. Hehehe. Sissy. Percy. I miss him. Why was he taken away? Why are his memories gone? Why is it that only memory he has is about the two of us? So many questions ringing in my head, but no answers.

"AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" I screamed into my pillow. Soon, after that I fell into a deep slumber.


Darkness again. I sigh. Wait. Percy could be here.

"Percy! Percy! Are you here? Please.. I need you right now." I screamed into the endless void. I turned around and saw him. I ran to him and hugged him. He hugged me back.

"I missed you. Im already on my to where you are. You will be waiting right?" I asked him, face buried into his chest.

"I missed you too. And of course, I wouldn't miss your arrival for the world. Because you are my world." he said. Is shoved him lightly on his shoulder.

"When did you become so cheesy?" I asked. But, he was already fading away.

======DREAM OVER======

I sat up on my bed and strapped my dagger onto my belt. I went to the cockpit and saw it was on autopilot. I looked at how far we have been 200 miles. Just a hundred more. Which is probably like 1 hour left or something.

'I'm coming Percy. Soon, I'll be back in your arms.' I thought to myself.

Yeaaaah Percabeth will live on! I'll post tomorrow again


All rights belong to Rick Riordan except the plot line

Until next time guys byeeee

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