The New Kid

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Annabeth's POV

I was in the middle of a field, FULL of flowers. A pinch of red here, a patch of yellow there, you get it. Then i heard laughter. It sounded like music to my ears. I followed it through a forest and it lead to a boy about my age. He was wearing clothes a Prince would wear but it was a combination of blue and green.

"Annabeth, come here." He said. So i did what he said and came closer to him up to the point that i was right in front of him. I was shocked to what he did! He leaned forward then held my cheek in his palm, then our lips were only inches apart, until...

Ugh, it was just getting good. Stupid alarm clock. I groaned and sat up on my bed and smacked my alarm clock off.
*sigh* "Another day in the hell hole i call school" I thought to myself. Don't get me wrong I LOVE learning but, the people bully me for that. I got up from my bed and went to do my morning routine. After that, I went downstairs and ate a piece of toast for breakfast.

"Dad I'm going to school!" I shouted.

"Okay honey have a great day!" he replied.

I walked to school since it was only 5 minutes away from my house. Once I got there I saw the popular group I tried to hide but, unfortunately I was seen by them.

"Well, well, well. Look who it is. If it is Annanerd. (Sorry, I couldn't make up a good insult) said their leader, Melanie.(No offense to Melanie's out there) She has brown eyes and brown hair and she was wearing really short shorts that you might as well call her underwear and a VERY revealing crop top and her face was CAKED in make-up.

"What do you want, Melanie?" I asked her.

"From you? Psh, no one would ever want anthing from you. Cuz you're just an ugly girl, not to mention a total nerd, with scary grey eyes and fake blonde hair. I would never want anything from you because i have everything you don't, I have friends, beauty, and everything else." She insulted. And her "girlfriends" (who wore the same thing as her) were all snickering.

"Whatever, let's go guys. She isn't worth wasting our time on." she declared.

Sighing, i went inside the school and fixed my stuff for my first 2 subjects. My schedule was

7:20-8:40 Mathematics

8:40-9:50 History

9:50-10:10 Break

10:10-11:20 Science

11:20-12:30 Elective: Architecture

12:30-1:10 Lunch

1:10-2:20 Gym

2:20-3:30 Art

3:30 Dissmissal

(Sorry if it's wrong i dunno high school stuff)

I shut my locker and made my way to my math class. On my way there, I heard people gossiping.

"Have you seen the new guy? He is soooo HAWT!"

"I'm gonna go up to him and ask him out later!"

"OMG do you think I have a chance with him?"

Then i just tuned them out after that. "Jeez what's so interesting about the new guy?" I thought to myself. "Ugh another person to bully me." Sighing, i sat down on my seat.

"Okay class, settle down! We have a new student here today!-

"Here we go again with all the bullying." I thought to myself.

his name is Percy Jackson, so be nice to him!" Prof. Steve said." You can take a seat over there beside Miss Chase" he said while pointing at me.

'Oh no, now he has to sit next to me? I better start preparing my funeral' I thought to myself.

He sat down while I was expecting him to start teasing me but, it never happened, instead he held out his hand and said,"Hey, I'm Percy Jackson. What's your name?"

Shocked, I shook his hand and said,"Annabeth, Annabeth Chase."

"Cool, but i better listen to the teacher." he said.

Having said this I got a good loom at him. He had these mesmerizing sea-green eyes that i could get lost in, and his hair looks like he hasn't combed it in ages and he has a swimmer's build. After i got a good look of what he looked like, I just payed attention to the teacher even though I already know this lesson.
======LINE BREAK=======

*sigh* It's time to be along again since i have no friends.
I went in line to get my food when suddenly one of Melanie's minions 'accidentally' pushed me causing my food to drop.

"Oops." she said.

Sighing I got another tray of food and sat down on a table. To my surprise, someone sits next to me. I look up to see...


Sorry i had to leave it there. I just need to leave you guys wanting for more XD

All rights belong to Rick Riordan except the story line. Leave a comment when it reaches at least three I'll post immediately.

Until next time guys byeeees

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